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The water shined as the sunlight landed upon it. Kel let out a long sigh before putting his arms around all of us and bringing us into a group hug. " I am so glad Hero finally forgave you, Sunny. Now we can be a group again! " Kel smiled. I looked up at him. He flashed from his dream world appearance and his real one like Basil. It settled on his real one just like Basil, too. " Y-yeah.. " Hero mumbled before getting Kels arm off of him. Kel let go of all of us and Hero watched the water. " So, what do you want guys to do now? " Kel asked. Aubrey yawned. " I don't know. I already suggested something so now it's someone else's turn. " Aubrey complained. " I.. have to go. " Hero said. " What? Why?? " Kel asked, disappointed. " I promised mom to... uh.. Wash the dishes with her. " Hero mumbled. Kel looked sad but eventually agreed. Hero smiled slightly and waved us goodbye. " wait.. " Kel whispered. " What's wrong Kel? " Basil asked. " ..Mom hasn't woken up and we don't have to wash the dishes yet, we haven't even eaten. " Kel sighed. There was a slight pause. " It doesn't matter. '' Kel broke the silence. " Lets go to Ginos and order something. '' Kel smiled. " Is it even open though? " Aubrey asked. " Yeah.. we don't even know what time it is. " Basil agreed. " Hey, the fastest way of knowing if it's open or not is by visiting. If it isn't we can wait at the park. " 

We all went over to Ginos and to no one's surprise it was closed. I sat on the swings and Aubrey sat next to me while Basil tried to educate Kel on some flowers he said were pretty. Kel looked as if he was trying his best to pay attention to Basil. " Hey, Sunny? '' Aubrey asked while keeping her gaze on Kel and Basil. " Can you promise me something? '' Aubrey turned her gaze over to me. I didn't nod but didn't shake my head either. " ..Nevermind. It doesn't matter. " Aubrey laughed it off. " Hey, look! Aubrey there's a plushie here that looks exactly like your eggplant one. What was his name again? " Kel picked up an eggplant plushie covered in dirt from bushes. " Is it yours? " Kel asked. " No. mine is in Sunny's treehouse, which has probably been thrown away. " Or maybe the new neighbor has a child that took it. " Kel suggested. Aubrey seemed upset by the idea. " Well it's mine! If a child has really taken it then they are going to have to deal living without it because i'm taking it home. " Aubrey snached the plushie out of Kels hands. " A thank you would be nice. " Kel groaned. Then it happened again, Aubrey flashed between her real appearance and her dream world one. But like the rest it settled for her real one. " it's going to need a bath. It stinks and is covered in dirt. " Aubrey complained.

" Ginos must be open by now. " Basil spoke. " Finally, why did you suggest this Kel? We had to wait so long " Aubrey spoke in a sarcastic tone mocking what Kel said before. Kel rolled his eyes and we all headed inside. We sat down and I yawned. " Tired, Sunny? " Kel smiled. I nodded. " We all are, Kel. you woke us up at midnight. " Aubrey spoke. Basil looked tired as well. " To be fair, I woke Sunny and Basil up at midnight, you were woken up at like, 1 am? " Kel explained. Aubrey rolled her eyes. " Sunny, if you want to sleep for a bit then go ahead. " Basil smiled at me. I nodded and quickly set my head on the table and fell asleep.

 I woke up in white space. Omori was looking straight at me. " Hello again. " Omori spoke. " Omori, can I go back to the adventure? " I asked. " No. " Omori said without hesitation. " Why not? You said I could have one more adventure. That was an incomplete one, and I woke up. " I argued. " That's a good thing. " Omori replied. I groaned and sat down. " Why is it a good thing? You have tried to keep me away from my dream world but that didn't help me. " I looked up at him. '' I see you still haven't noticed it yet. " Omori knelt down to get closer to me. " You were woken up. You didn't have to wake yourself up, Sunny. " Omori said. " ...and that means? " I looked at Omori confused. " You didn't have to stab yourself like you usually do. You are getting better. " there was a small pause. " You're getting there, Sunny. I don't think you will need this place much longer. " Omori stood up and shortly after I followed. " ..But- " I was cut off by Omori. " Find out what else is keeping you here. You're the only one who can find out what it is. " Omori said before I was awaken.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now