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I opened my eyes. It seemed to be 7 am. I heard weeping coming from upstairs. I stood up and started walking slowly towards the source. It was coming from Kel's parents room. I could see light escaping from the edges of the door. I krept over and pressed my ear against the door. " i-its just.. So hard... t-to know that ive.. F-failed.... As a mother.. To both of my kids..... " A voice that belonged to my mom was drowned by her tears. " ..It's okay, don't worry.. I'm sure Sunny is so happy to have you as his mother. And I'm sure that even though Mari left us, and Sunny tried to join her, it had nothing to do with you. " Kel's mom comforted my mom. I heard my mom cry even more. I moved my eye towards one of the gaps of the door to see if I could see anything. My mom was sitting down on the bed of Kel's parents. Kel's dad watched as he carried Sally, and Kel's mom held my mom's hands. " Listen, Sunny loves you. And so did Mari. It's like when Hero went through his own grief, remember? But eventually, he snapped out of it. And so will Sunny. " Kel's mom hugged my mom. I felt someone grab onto my shoulder.

I swiftly turned around. Kel pulled me away from the door gently. " Hey, whatcha doing, Sunny? " Kel whispered. I looked back at the door. My mom's cries had lowered in volume. " Come on, let's go back to sleep. It's too early to be up " Kel whined quietly. Have I really ruined my mom's mental state? Who knows.. Maybe she will make an attempt too.. I swiftly hugged Kel tightly. " Sunny? " Kel whispered, but hugged me back. I tried my best to calm myself, eventually succeeding. I let go of kel and looked over at the door. " Hey, don't worry Sunny! It's okay. Don't push yourself over it. " Kel smiled. I nodded slightly. There was a knock on the door. We heard footsteps coming closer from kel's parents room. Kel quickly grabbed me by the shoulders and led me downstairs. Before we could get through all the stairs, the door swung open. " Kel? What are you doing so early? " Kels mom closed the door behind her and walked down towards us. I looked over to his mom. " Sunny too? " Kels mom stopped in her tracks and looked surprised. " Oh yeah, he was sleep walking. Had to go get him back. We were definitely not listening to your conversation. " Kel lied. He was so obvious with it, too. " Well I know you weren't. Now while you are down stairs, go open the door. " Kels mom quickly headed back. 

Kel let go of my shoulders and walked towards the door. He opened it and Aubrey was rolling her eyes at something to the left. I heard commotion coming from the side where she rolled her eyes from. " Aubrey! You smell! " Someone yelled. " More than kel actually... " Someone muttered. " Fuck off! " Aubrey quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me outside in front of her. " Or I will get this guy to pull out his knife. " Aubrey smirked. " Why? Is your bat not strong enough? Are you scared to swing the bat again? " Vance tried to speak up, but his voice shook. " yeah.. Aubrey when you were crying all alone... I taught you how to swing the bat without fear...! " Kim looked sad. Aubrey looked uncomfortable with the memory. " You even opened up to us about your dad-" Kim was cut off by Aubrey. " Yeah?! Well you weren't the first person I told! Sunny right here was the first to know! Because he was such a good listener but you guys just forgot about it two minutes later. " Aubrey smpoke in a defensive tone. ''Clearly we aren't getting anywhere here. Put 'em up you two! " Mikhael tried to be threatening. " Ugh. fine. Sunny? " Aubrey looked over at me for approval. I shrugged. I didn't know, I was certainly tired though. I didn't have enough energy for this. " Well.. that's a yes in my book." Aubrey smirked and took out a knife. She handed it to me and held up her bat. " Woah! Wait! " Kel quickly went over and held onto my shoulder. " You can't just give him a knife! " Kel looked over at me with bullet eyes. I quickly dropped the knife. " Hey! Yeah! That's not fair! I meant put up your fists! Not a knife! " Mikheal complained. Aubrey rolled her eyes. " He's old enough! " Aubrey fought back. " For murder? No way! " Kel replied. " I mean.. Sorry to interrupt but he has already done that. He killed his sister. Have you forgotten? You forgive so easily. " Kim scoffed. Everyone stopped. The hooligans looked at Kim in a ' you fucked up ' way. " WHAT THE HELL KIM?! " Aubrey yelled. She picked up the knife, handed it to me and quickly walked over ready to swing her bat.

Mari. i'm so sorry. Kim is right. They all forgave me too easily. I mean, I killed my sister. I killed someone they loved. And now, I lost two family members.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now