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Kel, Basil and I went to Kels house. When we arrived a warm gust of wind hit me. My mom was sitting on the couch holding Sally. Kel walked towards the kitchen before being told off by his mom. " Kel! You are getting the floor wet..! Go change. " Kel sighed and walked upstairs. Basil and I stood by the doorway after hearing that. " What are you two still doing over there? Come inside, Boys! " Kels mom invited us to reassure us. I looked over to Basil and he looked just as conflicted as I did. I stepped over towards my mom and Kels mom didn't do anything but smile so I shrugged it off. Basil followed me. " Did you guys eat something before sneaking off at midnight? " Kels mom asked while drinking coffee. I shook my head before saying " But we ate pizza after sunrise. '' I said. " Sunny, pizza is not healthy for you! If you want to grow, you need to eat good things. " My mom looked over at me. " Oh, Sunny didn't actually eat- " Kel looked like he regretted his decision. " What!? " My mom gently but quickly set Sally down on the couch and stood up. " ..Oops.. " Kel whispered. My mom quickly rushed to the kitchen before bringing out a huge sandwich and other small snacks. She quickly shoved the food into my arms and she combed my hair with her fingers. " ..No hair loss. Do you feel tired? Are you hungry? Cold? ...Are you feeling depressed?! " My mom quickly listed most symptoms of not eating enough food. I shook my head and she calmed down a bit.

My mom sat on the couch and took a few deep breaths. I sat down next to her, waiting for her to calm down. When she stopped taking deep breaths she smiled at me. " I'm sorry, you must be tired after your adventures. " My mom spoke softly as he patted my head. " You should rest. Sleep on the couch, I'll be upstairs. " My mom stood up and walked upstairs. " Yeahhh, I am tired. I'm not much of a morning person and we woke up very early! Wanna have a sleepover Basil? " Kel said before he dramatically yawned. Basil smiled and nodded. " Great! You can sleep... uh.. " Kel looked around looking for a comfy place for Basil to sleep. " You can sleep On the couch with Sunny..? " Kel suggested awkwardly. Kels mom sighed. " We have sleeping bags Kel. '' Kels mom smiled and walked upstairs, I assumed it was to get the sleeping bags. " Right, guess it wouldn't be so comfy to share a small couch, would it? " Kel laughed and Basil smiled. " Sunny ir\f you are really tired you can sleep while we set up Basil's bed. " Kel smiled. I nodded and layed down on the couch. I stared at the ceiling before eventually falling asleep. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now