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When we arrived, Kel quickly ran over and stopped me from opening the door by standing in front of it. "Wait! I need to do some preparation, " he said. "Aubrey, Basil, can you two come in with me to help prepare?" He asked. they both nodded and they walked into the house. I sat by the road and was alone with my thoughts. I blinked and when I opened my eyes again I saw Omori's feet in front of me. I gasped and quickly looked up. I began to sweat. Every cell in my body was telling me to run away. My legs began to shake. wasn't Omori, his face was missing and in its place were eyes similar to something's. Black ooze and fog was leaking out of it and the eyes never blinked. "Poor little Sunny. What is he going to do now that his only help is gone?" A distorted voice spoke behind me. Chills went down my spine and my gaze quickly went to the floor. I sat still while beads of sweat rolled down my cheek. Then I felt a skinny, light weight hand slowly lower itself onto my right shoulder. I took a deep breath before quickly turning around. To my surprise, Mari was the one to meet my gaze.

"M-Mari.." I mumbled before falling backwards into the side of the road. "Sunny. Don't worry, it's okay. Just take deep breaths." Mari knelt down to my level and made an o shape with her mouth before taking a deep breath and then releasing it. She smiled and gestured that I copy her, and I did. "There we go.. you're okay Sunny." She approached me and when she was about to hug me something pulled me from behind. I expected my head to hit the hard asphalt, but instead it felt like I fell into water. I opened my eye and looked around but it was pitch black. Then I felt someone grab onto my left wrist and tug on it, catching my attention. I quickly looked over and saw Omori pulling it. "O-omori..?" I muttered. "Sunny." His voice echoed. "Omori..!" My eye lit up and I couldn't help but smile. "Sunny, you can't do this without Omori." He said and he pulled himself up to my level. "..what?" I tilted my head. "Sunny, you are hopeless without Omori. You can't heal without him." His grip on me got tighter. "..Wh-" I was interrupted by my voice being called by Mari. It was distant, though. Omori pulled out his knife and stabbed me in the chest. "You can't do this without Omori." He said as he pulled it out before plunging it back into my chest, causing me to groan in pain. "..Sunny!" Mari's voice got louder. My heart began to thump quicker. "You are useless" he said and began repeating his attack. Mari kept yelling out for me, and her voice got louder. I began to get overwhelmed by the pain and noise. Then, on the corner of my eye I saw a hand reaching out to me. The second I saw it, I reached out to it with my right arm but Omori grabbed let himself fall leaving me to carry his weight. I looked down at him and then looked back up at the hand. I was slowly distancing myself from it. I grit my teeth in desperation before stretching my arm out further. Then I felt something else latch onto me. I looked down. Something was grabbing onto my ankle. Then another something grabbed onto my shoulder. Then more and more reached out to me, pulling me down. I groaned and I stretched my arm until it felt like it was about to fall off. I squinted and kept trying to grab the hand, until I felt weak, and began to slowly lower my arm and let myself slowly drift away from the hand.

Now my arm was mostly lowered. It looked like I was shyly raising my hand out waiting for the teacher to call on me in class. Just as I was about to fully lower my hand to my side, I felt someone grab onto my right wrist. I gave a small gasp before looking up. ..Kel. He was smiling down at me while holding my wrist. He slowly shifted his hold to my hand, so he was holding it. One of the something's melted off me. Then, something else pulled me towards the giant hand. I saw Basil grab onto Kel's left ankle, helping him pull me towards the hand. Another something melted. Then, Aubrey drifted into my view. She made a 'oof' sound as she grabbed onto Basil's sleeve. ..again, another something melted. I looked up at them and they looked down at me. They had smiles on their faces. Finally, Hero creeped into view as he grabbed onto Aubrey's right hand. The final something melted. The only thing pulling me down now was...

"Sunny?" I felt someone grab my right shoulder. I jumped at the sudden interaction. I blinked, I was back in faraway. I looked behind me. "Sorry, did I scare you? You were spacing out on the sidewal." Kel asked. I shook my head. I was blatantly lying and he noticed but let it go. "Everything's ready. Come on." He helped me up and led me to his kitchen. It was full of cooking equipment and ingredients. Hero stood by the sink washing his hands before glancing over at us. " Oh, Hey Sunny. Kel wanted me to help since I'm a good cook, so I'm here if you need help." Hero said. "Yep! So, we are making chocolate chip cookies!" Kel said enthusiastically while running over and pulling out a piece of paper with im guessing the receipt written on it. "Kel, didn't we agree to make brownies? ..I wanted to make brownies and I won with a rock paper scissors!" Aubrey complained as she headed over to Kels side. "Yeah, but it's basically chocolate chip cookies but made completely out of chocolate. And besides, chocolate chip cookies are better anyways." Kel replied. "" Aubrey said. A few seconds of silence and they began bickering. They were speaking on top of eachother so I could only make out a few words like, 'same thing' and 'better taste' before Hero walked over and separated the two. "Guys, relax, it doesn't matter. The more you fight, the more time you have to wait to eat the cookies." Hero said. Aubrey and Kel frowned at each other before looking away. "..Anyways, let's get started." Hero smiled.

Basil cracked the eggs and I helped by adding ingredients to the bowl containing the wet mixture. Aubrey was going to pour the flour into the bowl but then Kel stole the bag. "Kel! What the hell, flour pouring is my job!" Aubrey grabbed the bag containing the flour but Kel didn't let go. "Oh yeah? Well now it's mine." Kel pulled it out of Aubrey's hands and began pouring it, but he hung the bag upside down causing the flour to fly everywhere. Kel was covered in flour, and Aubrey got it all over her, too. Basil had flour on him, but not as much as kel. Hero was getting the stove pre heated and when he looked over he face was palmed. "..Kel, you're not supposed to pour it like that!" He grabbed a towel and began to wipe Kels face clean. " Sorry. ..I don't need to go out and buy more, right?" He asked. " No, we have more but you have to let Aubrey pour this one." Hero explained. Aubrey scoffed before sneezing. "Oh, Sunny, you have some on your face... And hair." Basil said as he turned to look at me. "Where?" I asked. Basil pointed to his cheek and I wiped the area with my finger, but Basil then moved his finger in the same motion I did to try to wipe it off. I tried to wipe it off again. " mm.. Let me do it." He grabbed the wet towel Hero used for Kel and wiped the flour off my face. I shook my head after he had done that to try to get the flour in my hair off, but it didn't seem to work. " Uh.. Sunny, maybe don't do that, now you have flour all over your face." Basil giggled as he looked at me. "Oh. I'll go wash it off." I wiped my face and looked at my hand covered in flour. Basil nodded. I walked over to Kels bathroom and looked in the mirror. Basil was right, my face was covered in flour.

I stared at my reflection for a while, and I could vaguely see Omori staring right back at me in the reflection. I turned on the tap and took a long, good look at Omori before splashing water on my face. As the water dripped from my face, it took flour with it. It looked like Omori's face was dripping off mine. After one more splash, the flour was gone.

And so was Omori.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now