Flower crowns

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It quickly got dark, so we headed out to go to Kels. Kel and Aubrey were still fighting the hooligans, but Aubrey looked like she got slapped. She had a nose bleed and Kel had a bruised eye. Then Angel caught the eye of me and Basil. " Hey, look! It's a knife boy and a flower boy! " Angel patted Kims shoulder. I sighed, since I didn't really care if I got pushed around, but then I remembered I had my flower with me. I grabbed Basil's arm, since his hands were full carrying fertilizer and the watering can. I slowly walked past them and when we entered Kels house I set my flower down and helped Basil put the things he was carrying down on the floor next to my flower. I went over to the kitchen, since I remember seeing pepper spray there. I took it, grabbed Basil's hand and left the house. There was even more commotion this time. I walked over and saw Kim with a scratch next to her cheek. " Aubrey! What the hell!? " Kel grabbed her bat from her. " And to think we were once best friends, Aubrey. " Kim held the fresh scratch and spat at Aubrey. Aubrey had a regretful expression. She stopped resisting against Kel and Kel was confused so he let go of his grip on her arm. It looked like Kim hit a soft spot. I let go of Basil's hand and walked over. " Oh look. It's a knife boy. Where is the flower boy? " Angel asked me. I didn't reply. " Oh hey, Sunny. '' Kel waved. I waved back. I took out the pepper spray and showed it to Kel. " Oh, I don't think we will need to use this. But thanks, Sunny. Where's Basil? " Kel placed the pepper spray in his pocket. Basil walked over and clinged onto my arm, hiding behind me while poking his head out to watch. " Hey there, Basil! " Kel put his hand out for a high five. '' H-Hey... " Basil slowly high fived Kel. 

 " Oh wow! A reunion! Hurry up a bit, I can't wait to punch your face! " Mikhael mocked. Mikhael started walking towards me, and I reached into Kels pocket to grab the pepper spray. I Noticed it was light, so it must be empty, so I was able to point it at Mikhael without feeling guilty. Mikhael quickly walked back and whispered something into kims ear. Kim groaned. " Fine! We're leaving. You got lucky this time. " Kim left with her gang. " Good thing you showed up, otherwise I think I might have had to carry an unconscious Aubrey to her house.. Hehe. " Kel smiled. " I wouldn't pass out just because of a small bruise! " Aubrey whipped the blood on her nose, but more came out. Basil looked at Aubrey worriedly. " Come on, let's go see Hero. '' Kel started walking to his house. I followed. " So, are your scratches healing Sunny? " Kel asked. I nodded. I looked at his bruised eye. " Who hit you? " I asked. " Oh, Kim wanted to punch Aubrey but I tugged her away so she somehow ended up hitting me. " Kel scratched the back of his neck. I kept walking next to him while Basil and Aubrey tried to awkwardly start a conversation. I yawned. " Hey, don't fall asleep just yet, Aubrey, Basil and I thought we'd watch a movie before we slept. We planned it while we were helping Aubrey with bun-bun. They will also sleep over on the couch with you. " Kel smiled at me. I nodded, but I knew I was going to sleep the second the movie started.

When we walked in, Kel turned on the tv and searched for the movie. " What's with the rush? " Aubrey asked. " Sunny is half asleep. " Kel sat down and i sat down next to him. Basil sat next to me so Aubrey had to sit on the floor. A few minutes in the movie i closed my eyes, and fell asleep. I woke up in white space. Omori was on the ground looking at the sky. I sat up. Omori looked at me. " Hello again, Sunny. I see you are doing well. So, why are you still here? " Omori sat up. I looked at the light bulb. " I don't know.. " I mumbled. " Are you still yearning for Mari's forgiveness? " Omori asked me. " Can I please go on one final adventure? " I mumbled. I looked at Omori. He looked annoyed but his face looked blank at the same time. " Why do you like them so much. You have reunited with your actual friends. You don't need them. " Omori snapped at me. '' Omori , let me just say good bye! Not only to dream about the world but to Mari. " I yelled back. Omori rigged. " Fine. but after this, there is no more dream world. " Omori sighed. I walked over to the door. Omori disappeared like he always did when I turned into him. I opened the door and saw my colorful friends. 

Aubrey got up to greet me. " Omori! You are finally back! You haven't been here in ages!! " Aubrey whined. " Aubrey! Everytime! " Kel yelled. He was talking about the cards. " Oh.. " Aubrey Looked back and looked at the cards but quickly turned around to look at me. " Don't worry about it. I'll fix it later. " Aubrey grabbed my hand and quickly ran out of the tree stump. Kel and Hero quickly got up and followed. "Aubrey! Come on dont just wander off with Omori! We hang out together! " Kel whined. ''I'm so tired of you! " Kel continued. Hero was panting. " Calm... down... Kel. its fi...fine... " Hero patted Kels shoulder. Aubrey stuc, her tongue out at Kel. I looked over to Mari's picnic basket. She was there with Basil. I walked towards them and accidentally dragged AUbrey with me since she wouldn't let go. " Omori! Hold up! I'm arguing with Kel. " Aubrey looked over at me. Kel and hero quickly caught up and walked over with me. " Omori! So good to see you again! I was so worried.. " Mari got up and hugged me. I hugged her back. Basil was smiling warmly behind her. I let go of Mari and hugged him, which took him by surprise. " Oh, well would you look at that. Omori really does like you, Basil! " Mari patted my head. " O-oh.. yeah..! By the way, I made you all flower crowns! " Basil hugged me back and looked at the others. I let go and I sat down next to Mari and rested my head on her shoulder. " Okay, so.. Remember how I told you all what flowers remind me of you guys? " Basil smiled as he reached down in Maris' picnic basket. Aubrey nodded and sat up. She looked really excited, Aubrey squealed as she sat in a criss cross pose and tried her best not to jump up. Basil pulled out flower crowns. He handed them to everyone. Mine was made out of white tulips.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now