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By the time I had brought myself out of my thoughts Kel was knocking on Aubrey's door. I looked at Kel and Basil with a surprised face. Kel looked worried but when he noticed I was looking at him, he gave me the thumbs up and smiled. The door slowly opened revealing Aubrey. She was in her pajamas and had her fist ready to punch someone. Basil was smiling innocently and Kel had a nervous smile. " H-Hey Aubrey! Umm.. me, Basil and Sunny were out for a walk, and we were wondering if.. Maybe- you would want to... come with us? '' Kel fidgeted with his fingers as Aubrey frowned. " N. O. Are you crazy for waking all of us up just for a night walk??? '' Aubrey combed her hair with her fingers as she spoke. " I may be crazy, but a night walk isn't so bad. Hero did it all the time! " Kel replied. " Fine. Just let me change and I'll join you guys. " Aubrey shut the door with a sigh.

Kel sighed and Basil patted his back. " see? That wasn't that bad. " Basil smiled. I watched as Kel chatted with Basil. " Sunny. " a voice whispered into my ear. I felt an eerie feeling on my back. I froze and my palms got sweaty. Basil looked over at me. His smile slowly faded. He looked worried and concerned. " Sunny..? " Basil's muffled voice spoke to me. I wanted to quickly get this hallucination over with. I just wanted to hang out with my friends tonight, after all. I gulped and turned around quickly. Mari's body was hanging from a tree in front of me. She was smiling at me though. " Sunny. You did this. " Mari looked up at me. " i.. I know! " I mumbled. Mari's smile dropped. " Then why can't you move on? " Mari looked serious. The sight was disturbing. I shut my eyes and covered my ears to not hear Mari anymore. She asked something I didn't know the answer to even though I should have. " Sunny. Your guilt is gone. So, what is holding you back from enjoying life? " Mari spoke. I felt a pat on my shoulder before feeling a warm hug around me. " It's okay Sunny. We are here for you. " A voice belonging to Basil spoke. I opened my eyes and uncovered my ears. I looked over at Basil. His appearance was the same one as the one he has in whitespace. He stopped hugging me and looked up at me with a warm smile. He flashed between his real appearance and the one from white space until it finally settled with his real one. I felt another hand on my shoulder. I looked over and it was Kel. he smiled at me warmly.

" What's going on?" Aubrey asked. We all looked over at her. " Don't worry about it. Now, where should we go? " Kel quickly changed the subject. ''I dunno. You are probably the host of this meet up. Didnt you have a plan for tonight? " Aubrey asked. Kel sighed. " I may have come a bit unprepared.. " I looked over at the tree where Mari was, and she was gone. " Well, it's almost morning. We could go watch the sun rise? " Aubrey suggested. " Great idea! Let's head over to our hang out spot. The view there was always amazing when we watched sunsets. " Kel smiled. Aubrey walked over to us and we began heading to our hangout spot. On our way there, we spotted Hero walking around. " Hey, is that Hero? Hero! Hi! Want to join us? " Kel hurried over to Hero. Hero looked at me and then looked back at kel uncomfortable with his suggestion. " Not really.. I was actually just heading back. " Hero replied. " Oh come on Hero. stop being salty and come hang out with us. You can not keep ignoring Sunny forever, it wouldn't make Mari happy and I am sure he isn't happy about it either. So be the responsible guy you are and forgive and forget. " Kel said slightly angrily. '' It's not that easy Kel. you cant just forgive a murderer.. " Hero looked to the side. Kel sighed and looked disappointed. " So.. when are you going to talk to him? " Kel asked. Hero didn't reply. Kel sighed and walked over to us. " Forget it. He won't come. " Kel looked visibly upset. I wanted to cheer him up but didn't know how. '' A-anyway, we shouldn't let this ruin our night! " Kel changed from a sad, disappointed tone to a cheery one. " technically it's morning Kel. " Aubrey said. Kel sighed and looked back at Aubrey in an annoyed way before we all carried on.

Once we had arrived, Kel, Aubrey and Basil were sitting on the grass while I was on the dock. I was sitting cross legged as I looked at the reflection of the moon light on the water. I could see my reflection, though it sometimes flashed to omori for a few seconds. I could hear crickets and the wind along with my friends chatting in the background. I heard footsteps on the dock. I looked back, and no one was there apart from my friends. They all looked over at me when I quickly glanced over. Kel waved after a while, then Basil copied. I looked back at the water. Mari's reflection behind me. I stood still, too scared to move. " Sun- " Mari' voice was cut off with more footsteps. I quickly looked behind me. It was.. Hero. I must have been distracted and didn't hear him come in and greet everyone else. Hero sat down next to me and looked at the moon. I didn't say anything and carried on watching the water. " Hey, Sunny? " Hero spoke. I looked over at him. " I am sorry. I've taken too long to forgive you. I told you I needed time to forgive you in the graveyard, but I apologize for taking a long time to do so. " Hero didn't look at me once. There was a long pause. " But.. I think it's time I finally forgive you. " Hero looked at me and looked conflicted about his decision. I opened my mouth to speak, but did not. " I know you were also really affected by her death, and you have been struggling for the past four years as I have. " Hero looked at the water. " Hero.. are you sure you want to forgive me? " I suddenly asked. Hero looked at me. He didn't look shocked, but he didn't look like he was expecting this question either. " But, if I don't forgive you now, when you return to the city, you will be stuck with the guilt that I dislike you. Even if you can make new friends and maybe forget about me, there will be a time when I will move on and be fully ready to befriend you again, but I probably won't be able to leave us both stuck with guilt. " Hero explained. " and... Mari would want me to. " Hero smiled. There was a short pause before I felt sunlight hit my skin. I looked over and the sun was rising. " Finally! Why did you recommend this, Aubrey? We had to wait for hours! " Kel spoke annoyed. Aubrey rolled her eyes. Aubrey, Kel and Basil went to the dock to watch the sunrise with us.

Hero stood up to join them and so did I. I watched the sunrise. I felt happy. I felt the same feeling i did when i first overcame the guilt from Mari. i couldn't help but smile, I felt safe. I was around my closest friends afterall. 

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now