The cemetery

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I woke up and I opened my eyes and saw Aubrey covering her face. " ..sorry i woke you Sunny... " Aubrey mumbled. Suddenly she got up. " A-anyways im going for a walk. Tell Kel so he doesnt get freaked out about it. " Aubrey rolled her eyes and smiled. I nodded and she left. But, i didn't want to stay here and wait for Kel to wake up, so i grabbed a marker and wrote ' Aubrey is gone for a walk. I went to the cemetery. -Sunny ' on Kel's arm. Somehow he was really warm. But maybe i'm just cold. I got up and left the house. Aubrey was already gone, soi decided to hurry before anyone else woke up. I just wanted to be alone with Mari for a little while.

When I entered the church, a ceremony was being held, but I had already opened the door. If only Hero was here to help me get around. I sighed and walked in. Some people turned around to see me, and I tried my best not to interrupt. I walked over to the left and walked very close to the wall. Some people turned to face me, so when I got close enough to the door, I rapidly opened it and shut it as fast as I could. I sighed in relief and when I turned around, Hero was looking over at me. He was kneeling in front of Mari's grave.

" .. Hi Sunny. " Hero said in a calming tone. I stood still. " You're here to visit Mari, aren't you? " Hero sighed. I nodded. Hero got up and walked towards me. " Why do you have to look like Mari. It's really hard to be mad at you when you remind me so much of her. " Hero frowned. " You know, sometimes I can feel her presence. I'm sure you can too. " Hero sighed. " It's.. lonely without her. I'm sure you are also having trouble adjusting to a new home and life where Mari is gone. " Hero said. He was right. " Sunny, I'm sorry. I've been cold towards you. But, I just can't forgive you yet. '' Hero sighed. " I can't really blame you for killing her in an accident, but you know.. It's going to take some time to think of you as a friend again. " Hero said. I nodded. Omori was right. I just have to give them time. It was stupid of me to think they would just, forgive me the second i told them. Hero patted my head and left. I sighed. That was a bit stressful.. Somehow. I walked towards Mari's grave. Something emerged from her grave. I quickly opened the door to the crunch and slammed it shut when I entered. I interrupted the ceremony. Everyone stared at me. I quickly walked towards the exit and the second I left I sighed as quietly as I could.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now