By your side

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When I opened the door, there was no one around. My Neighbor's room was empty. I walked around confused as to where everyone went, and eventually left the tree stump. When I reached the dream world it was empty. I walked around feeling uneasy, I didn't like being alone. I eventually headed to where I pushed Mari in my past dream, and when I got there a mirage of the incident replayed before my eyes before fading away with the wind. I turned around and saw another mirage, Dream world Basil and Omori were running away, and I followed behind. " Omori! " I heard someone call from the playground. I stopped in my tracks and looked towards the source. Mari sat down at her picnic blanket and smiled. " What's wrong, little brother? Where are your friends? " Mari pouted. I slowly made my way towards her. She began to pat the spot next to her, suggesting I sit next to her. " I know you don't like being alone. '' Mari smiled. I nodded as Mari handed me a piece of watermelon. I grabbed the plate and was hesitant to eat it, but I ate some eventually. Somehow dream food is very tasty. " What's wrong? You look like something is bothering you... " Mari asked. I put down the plate with watermelon and tried to find an excuse why I didn't want to eat it instead of sharing the disturbing things in black space. " Oh! Haha.. I'm not talking about the watermelon, Omori. Something else is bothering you everyday, But you don't seem to know what it is either. How about we look for it, hm? " Mari suggested while standing up with a smile. She extended her hand towards me, and the second I took it I woke up.

I stared at the ceiling while I processed everything. I sat up and looked around. It was nighttime. The house had a cold and empty atmosphere, but I can't say going outside would make it any better. I looked to the ground next to me, Hector was sleeping beside my couch. Suddenly, I heard a door open upstairs, and was followed by a creaking floor underneath some footsteps. I quickly laid down and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep while I heard what happened around me. I heard a person walking downstairs and coming towards me. I felt a gentle pat on my head. " Oh Sunny... I'm so sorry. I promise I'll make our life in the city the best. " whispered a voice that belonged to my mom. The pats stopped and the footsteps headed to the kitchen. I opened my eyes and heard the water tap turn on, and water pouring into a cup. I stood still until I heard my mom head upstairs. The moment I heard the door close I stood up. My nap must have been long, and now I'm very energized. I won't be going back to sleep for a while.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now