Goodbye faraway.

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We all got our plates and sat down. We had a nice meal. I enjoyed sharing it with my friends. Unfortunately we still had a lot of time to kill, so we thought about what to do next. While we were thinking, my mom came to check on us. "Oh, Hello everyone. Sunny.. can we talk?" She gave me an awkward smile. I sat up and walked to her, she put her hand on my back and we left the house together. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To see your sister." She replied. "Oh." I mumbled. The only time I had gone to see Mari with my mom was when we held her funeral so I wasn't sure how we would both react to it. When we got there we just silently looked at the gravestone. We didn't say anything or do anything until I heard my mom sniffle. I glanced over at her but kept my head facing forwards. "I'm sorry.. I don't want to ruin my makeup" she giggled while pulling out a tissue and wiping her tears.

She knelt down and put her hand on the grave. "Sunny?" She looked at me. "...why did you want to end up like her?" She said, My stomach turned into a knot. I didn't know what to say. "..Sorry, sorry.. I shouldn't begin like that.. listen, if you need anything, if anything is bothering you, I'm here for you." She stood up and smiled at me. I nodded in a way to tell her I understood. "..I decided to leave in fifteen minutes. Is that okay?" She asked. " want to leave early?" I asked. She nodded. "That's okay, right?" She replied. "But-" I quickly shut myself up when I saw her crushed spirit. I nodded. "I'm glad that's okay with you... it's just.. seeing our old house is very difficult.. and the memories are hard too. I think we can both agree it hurts to be in faraway." She sighed. I looked at Mari's grave stone. My mom hugged me tightly and we left the graveyard.

When we returned my friends were hanging out in the living room. "Oh! Your back!" Kel turned around. "I leave in fifteen minutes." I said. Kel looked crushed. "What?! Why!" Kel asked. I didn't do anything or say anything. "Kel, come on." Hero put his hand on his shoulder. "Sorry... he sat back down. "Well, we thought maybe we could watch some cartoons to kill time." Aubrey said. I sat down next to Basil and I was on the left corner. We watched cartoons for a while and we were having fun. "So, Sunny, what's your new school like?" Asked Kel. I groaned in response. "Not good?" Hero turned to look at me. I shook my head. "How come? You'd figure it would be better since it's in the city." Aubrey said. "Sunny!" My name was called before I could reply. I looked to the source and my mom was walking down the stairs with our suitcases. "It's time to go." She said. My heart sank. I stood up but my legs were wobbly. My mom left the house and I picked up the white tulip Basil gave me before I walked outside. My friends left the house with me. "Sunny! I'm gonna miss you!" Kel hugged me tightly. "Please write to us." Aubrey smiled and hugged me too. "Don't forget to water your tulip." Basil said. "Oh! Right, before you go.." Basil pulled out a fake tulip from his pocket. "Here.. If you put it in your hair.. We can match..!" He giggled awkwardly while pointing to his flower. I put it in on the right so it would mirror Basils. "Thank you, Basil." I said. He smiled before hugging me. Hero put his arm on my shoulder. "We're gonna miss you, Sunny." He smiled. "I'll miss you guys too." I replied. "Come on now, Sunny. Time to go." My mom smiled warmly. I got into the car and I looked at my friends and then at the window where Hero was the last time I left faraway. It was nice to see it empty now that Hero joined the others to say goodbye. I smiled at my friends and waved at them and they waved back at me.

I heard my mom start the car, and I looked out the window as we sped off. Goodbye, faraway. Until next time.

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