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" Sorry for waking you up so early, Sunny. " Kel scratched the back of his head before looking at me. He quickly changed his mood when he saw I was visibly upset. " A-anyway, come on let's see if the rest of the gang are awake! " Kel grabbed my wrist and ran towards Basil's house dragging me along with him. I tried my best not to trip as I got dragged by Kel as he ran down the street. When we got to the bottom Kel quickly stopped his feet and took a few seconds to slow himself down so he didnt fall over and take me down with him. " phew. Sorry about that Sunny. Glad you are okay and didn't fall on the way down.. Hehe. " Kel painted. Kel carried on walking to Basil's house smiling. " Hey, Aubrey's house was on the way here. Why didn't we stop to get here before heading to Basil's house? " I wondered. " You know how Aubrey would get. She would probably yell at me for waking her up so late at night... hehe. " Kel giggled. " What about the hero? " I asked. Kel mumbled and stuttered before speaking " Hey, why worry about him? He has been an asshole towards you. " Kel knocked on Basil's door. I started at Kel for a while before giving a slight smile and returning my view to Basil's door.

 It was slowly opened by Polly. She yawned before looking at us surprised. " Hello you two. What are you doing out this late? " She asked, trying to smile. She looked terrible- she had eye bags and her hair was a mess. But I probably look the same when I wake up at midnight. " Hi! Is Basil around? " Kel smiled warmly. " He is asleep. " Polly mumbled, trying her best not to fall asleep in front of us. '' Well.. Could you wake him please? " Kel asked. Polley looked conflicted before sighing and nodding with a small smile. She closed the door and we waited for a while in the cold breeze. Kel kept smiling and I couldn't help but yawn. Then the door was opened by a tired Basil. He yawned and was barely able to keep his eyes open. " Hey Basil! Want to hang out? " Kel smiled at Basil. Basil looked at him confused. " Kel.. it's almost the next day.. '' Basil rubbed his eyes and yawned. Kel was a victim to Basil's contagious yawn. " Listen, Sunny leaves soon, so why not spend time with him while he is here? " Kel negotiated with Basil. " W-Wait- Really?! " Basil looked shocked at first, but then disappointed. I looked at Kel with the same expression Basil had. " o-oh.. Yeah..! I may have overheard Sunny's mom discuss some things with my mom... hehe.. " Kel spoke, trying to seem calm. " B-but.. " Basil stuttered before looking to the ground and sighing. '' Alright. Let's try to spend as long as we can with him. " Basil smiled, still looking tired and a little bit sad. Kel smiled and pushed Basil out of his house.

 " Shouldn't we get Aubrey though? " Basil asked Kel. " whattt? Basil, you know how mad she will be. " Kel smiled awkwardly at Basil. " True.. but she is part of our friend group, so she will understand, right? " Basil tried to reason with Kel. I wasn't paying attention to them at all. I was too busy looking at the moon while deep in thought. Kel must have heard something he didn't want me to hear, so he probably made me leave the house before I woke up and heard it.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now