Pick a side

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I stood up and headed outside. I wanted to walk off the energy although I knew that probably wouldn't work. I walked toward the swings and sat down and unwillingly began to lament. I couldn't help but think of memories I had with Mari and my friends before life went downhill. And now, I have to move away from my friends. " ..Sunny.. " A pair of hands began to hold onto my shoulders. I froze. ...Not again. " ...stay... " My eyes looked to the ground. I saw pale feet walk in front of me. I slowly looked up. It was Hell Mari. ..At Least that's what I call it. I quickly looked away from her disturbing face and looked to the ground. I was shaking. I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes, but instead of darkness I saw all of my dream world friends sitting on Mari's picnic blanket. They were chatting but quickly caught a glance of me. " Omori! Come join us, Mari brought everyone's favorites! " Basil smiled as he called me over. It was a nice sight.. I.. could very easily join them again. It would be way easier than getting out of the mess I am currently in.

Slowly the sight began to fade away until I only had sight of the dimly lit neighborhood. It was quiet. I liked it. My dream world friends suddenly came into sight, they were walking on the sidewalk happily chatting, while on the opposite side of the sidewalk stood stranger, who was staring right at me, making me feel uncomfortable. I slowly stood up from the swing and watched as my dream world friends walked down the road while strangers kept staring at me eerily. I was unsure on who to follow... I miss my adventures with my dream world friends.. But.. I have already gone this far. I watched both sides, conflicted on what to do next.

(authors note )

So sorry for the inactivity, i was on vacation. Quick question for you lot, should i keep making short chapters that come out the moment i get motivation or do i make them long but if i don't have motivation it could take a while for new ones to come out?

Anyways aside from that, thank you all or the support on this story. i genuinely didn't expect it to blow up. Sorry for the many typos in the past chapters, too. I type quickly and I write on docs so i use the grammar and spelling check but it doesn't catch the mistakes in names or it mistakes a very badly spelt word for another one.

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