gomen ne

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When i woke up, i looked out my window. The sun was bright, for some reason I still had my oxygen mask, and I wasn't in white space when I fell asleep. Did Omori actually banish them to black space? My only friends. Eventually a doctor walked into my room. " Good morning young man, sleep well? " He asked. I didn't reply. " Not much of a talker, huh? No worries. Now, we don't know what happened to you... but I have to say, you're always getting yourself into trouble. First your eye now this mate. Take better care of yourself. Now, your friends are going to come into the room. They spent the night here. It would be nice if you talked to them. Good bye. " The doctor left and then gave me a view of Aubrey. She looked a bit flustered, and there was an awkward silence for about five seconds. " Sunny! " Yelled Kel pushing Aubrey behind. Kel ran into the room and hugged me. " What happened back there buddy? What were you dreaming about that made you so scared? " Kel asked me. I looked outside my window again. " Sunny you idiot! You scared us! " Yelled Aubrey walking in. " Sorry.. " I replied to her. " No.. i'm sorry , Sunny.. " Aubrey looked at me. " Wow.. you got real hurt.." Aubrey looked at me. '' it really isn't that bad. You just almost got a concussion or maybe you did, I don't know the details but-" Aubrey interrupted Kel but hitting him softly. " ow.. " Kel whispered.

The doctor walked in again. " Sorry to interrupt. Now this isn't really professional of the hospital, but for some reason we're having more and more patients. So, Young man, you are free to leave but you need to come back for weekly checkups every Thursday. " The doctor placed my clothes on a desk and left. " Well, let's get going Sunny! Thanks for coming Aubrey, you can go now. " Kel smiled. I sat up. " What?! Kel i also went through the worry you did, i thought Sunny was going to die.. And you just tell me I can just go now-? " Aubrey complained. " Yep. I mean, you're only nice when your hooligan friends are nearby, so you know, you can just stop pretending and go back to them. Please shut the door on your way out. " Kel went to grab my clothes and bring them to me while he spoke. "I- " Aubrey looked furious. She grabbed her bat and walked out slamming the door on her way out. "What's her problem? Anyways, get changed Sunny, I'm sure Basil will be happy to see you! " Kel left the room and I got changed.

When me and Kel left the hospital, Aubrey was talking with her hooligan friends nearby. When we walked past I could hear people from the group making fun at my wounds or how bandaged up I was. Kel gave them a side eye and then we went to go find Basil. We found him on his way to the hospital taking photos. " Basil! Sunny is out! " Kel yelled. Basil looked over at us, and then ran to hug me. " Sunny! You're awake! " He hugged me tightly. " C'mon guys, lets go to my house so we can rest there after a long day. " kel smiled.

When we arrived to Kels house, Hero was exiting the kitchen and looked unhappy about the fact we were here. He didnt waste time and went upstairs. I felt even more guilt. Im sorry, Hero. i took Mari away from you... This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for me.

Omori: oyasumi ( first story and the sequel )Where stories live. Discover now