017 | i'm bad at everything

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While Adalyn was ignoring her phone for the third day since Lucas stopped staying with her and her niece, he was at work trying to do his job but wanting the know if she was okay was the main thing on his mind.

She would usually respond to his text within a couple hours most so when he hadn't heard from her for a few days, he started to get worried. And he couldn't just show up to her apartment because he didn't have time and by the time he finished work he didn't want to go knocking on her door since she'd probably be asleep.

Lucas set his phone down next to the till at the front register as the bell from the door opening rung, and giving the group of guys who had entered the restaurant a half forced smile.

"Haven't seen you five here in a while," Lucas looked around at them, then down at the tablet and programming in a table for them despite the place being practically empty, "Just you five, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah," Jonah nodded.

"Okay, just over here," he placed the tablet down on the counter and started walking in the direction of the table with them following behind.

"What happened to all your staff?" Corbyn looked around the restaurant and then back at Lucas as he sat down. "And customers?"

"We've never been that busy on Tuesdays and also because we're down six waiters and waitresses so we just put less people on earlier in the week and more at the end of the week when it's busier."

"Makes sense"

"Anyway.. drinks?" he looked at them all, jotting down their orders on his little notebook as they went around the table. "Alright I'll be back in lke five minutes."

Walking off to the bar and giving the order to his coworker, waiting there as the other went off to make the drinks. And once they were ready, taking them back to the boys.

"Hey Lucas," Jack called out, causing him to turn and face the group again.


"uh- actually don't worry," he awkwardly responded and looked down at his phone, Lucas gave him a small nod.

"Actually Jack, I have a question for you.." he pointed his finger at the boy as he though of his words. "Do you- I know Adalyn gave you a key to her apartment and never got it back.. so you happen to have it on you?"

"uh yeah, it's in my car," he let out a soft sigh.

"Could I have it? I just wanna stop by her place on my way home because I haven't heard from since Saturday," he pressed his lips together.

"Yeah okay, just remind me on our way out to go grab it for you," he agreed. "And what do you mean you haven't spoke to her? I thought she only talked to you.."

"I thought you two were dating," Corbyn chimed in.

"No, Adalyn and I aren't dating," Lucas shook his head and glanced over towards the restaurant's entrance, making sure no one was waiting there then back at the boys. "She's probably not in the mood to check her phone.. Oh and she's looking after her niece at the moment so yeah. Anyway I gotta go work."

"Alright," Jack mumbled with a nod, watching him as he walked away then looking back at his friends.

"You're still so obsessed with her," Daniel said though a small laugh.

"Can I not ask how she is?" he slightly furrowed, shaking his head. "Corbyn just asked if they're dating but I can't make sure she's okay..? whatever.."

"No, no you can.. just- don't worry."

       A couple hours had past, the boys had eaten, sat around talking a little longer then paid their bill and left — Jack giving Lucas the key to Adalyn's place before doing so.

And after about another hour Lucas was helping the other two waitresses with cleaning up the restaurant, then going into the kitchen to help them out a bit as well.

Locking up the store once everyone had left and going out to the parking lot. As he started the car up, he sent Adalyn a message letting her know he was coming even though she probably won't check it.

Making the drive through the city of Los Angeles to his friends apartment the whole time he was worried about why she hadn't been responding, especially since she keeps saying she's doing better.

He parked and tried calling Adalyn's phone but not receiving an answer on the way upstairs. Softly knocking on the apartment door and waiting a few seconds before unlocking it.

The kitchen lights were still on but the hallway and living room ones were off, although looking down the hall he could see a small amount of light come from her bedroom.

Quietly making his way down to her room knowing that her niece would be asleep, and also not wanting to frighten her.

"Adalyn.. it's Lucas," he softly spoke, looking at the girl sitting on the floor at the end of her bed, with the light from her bathroom making her visible.

She looked over her shoulder at him, wiping the tears away from her eyes. "Wh- why are you here?" she stuttered.

He set his keys and phone down on her bedside table then walked over, taking a seat beside her and wrapping his arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he gently rubbed her arm.

"I'm- I'm just bad at everything. I don't why Emily trust me to look after her daughter when I can barely even look after myself. And everyone hates me. And I just can't do anything right."

"Now, what makes you believe that?" he slightly turned to face her as she lifted her head up, wiping away more of her tears.

"Like I cut out my friends for like three months and I get there and suddenly they all hate me. And Jack hates me because I'm a fuckwit and I can't fucking make up my mind," she continued to cry. "I'm bad at everything, Lucas. I don't even know why I try."

"Adalyn, you're not bad at everything. There actually are some things that you are very good at," he reassured her and grabbed ahold of her hands, looking at her as she looked down at their hands.

She scooted a little closer to him, laying her head on his chest. He kept ahold of her hands with one of his as he wrapped the other around her and rested his head on top of hers.

"And I don't think someone who hates you, would check on how you are," Lucas added. "He definitely still cares for you.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


let's just hope there's not too many spelling/wording mistakes in this

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