028 | i don't want to fight

387 18 4

"shitt," Adalyn mumbled after there was a knock on the door since her niece had just fallen asleep on her chest only minutes ago.

Sitting there for a few more second as she thought about what to do, Adalyn carefully stood up with her arms wrapped around Eliana and walked over to the door, opening it for the boy.

"It's nap time, Jack," she whispered to him while directing her eyes at the little girl, receiving a small nod from him as he shut the door. "just wait out here, I'll go put her to bed."

She grabbed her phone from the living room before making her way down the hall to Eliana's bedroom. Laying the little girl down on the bed, Adalyn took a seat on the edge and softly ran her hand over Eliana's hair in attempts to comfort the girl who now wasn't asleep.

"Addie," she pouted while holding her arms out. "Can I have cuddles?"

"Okay princess," she laid down bedside her, wrapping her arms around her niece and holding her close to her chest. "But only ten minutes, okay? because aunty has Jack over and would like to go see him."

"I want to see Jack," she mumbled, trying to hide her tiredness as she looked up at her aunt.

"After you sleep you can, so the sooner you sleep the sooner you can see him," Adalyn explained, receiving a nod from the girl and her laying her head back down.

The two laid there in bed and Adalyn sent Jack a quick text so he wasn't left wondering what she was up to. But eventually Eliana got to sleep and Adalyn was able to get up to leave the room.

She let out a sigh as she lent back on the lounge. "What's wrong?" Jack asked, turning his phone off and looking at the girl.

"Nothing," she sat up properly and looked at him, giving him a small smile. "I'm just- yeah.."

"I don't know what that means," he said through an awkward laugh.

"I don't know either, I think I'm just confused. Like I don't know what I want to do when I take Eliana home. I don't really want to go back to work but I don't know what I'm going to do with all this time I'm going to have."

"Lucas was saying a couple weeks ago now, that they have no staff.." he mentioned which she didn't seem to happy about.

"I don't care, that's their problem," she lightly shrugged. "Not my fault some guys only applied to work there because I did and they hired them. And plus Lucas won't want to see me."

"Do you really think some guys only worked there because of you?" Jack slightly tilted his head. "Like is that like confirmed?"

"Jack, guys see pretty girls somewhere and simply just want attention from them.. And I'm not trying to boost my own ego or whatever, it happens to many girls- and guys as well, like imagine how many girls want attention from you."

"But that's different.. it's not necessarily about my looks, I'm an artist that they listen to and some even I guess look up to me," he argued.

"Whatever, we can both be right because I don't want to fight about this," she subtly rolled her eyes at him while picking at her lips.

Although she didn't one hundred percent accept his answer, he didn't seem to mind because the fact she moved on from the topic and agreed to disagree stuck out more to him.

"um can I read your Instagram post yet?" Jack spoke up. "I know you think it's embarrassing so I won't say anything about it to you, I just want to read it, for myself."

"I'll have to download the app again.." she mumbled while grabbing her phone. "and it is embarrassing, I don't know why I ever posted it because if I didn't nothing else would've gotten out."

"Honestly.. I don't even care the people know about that," he shrugged while keeping his eyes on her. "Everyone knows that Zach and I get along now and that's all that should matter to them."

"Can wait to open this app and see how much shit everyone's saying about me," she sighed, disregarding what he said as she set her phone down on the lounge while waiting for the app to download.

"I don't ever see many post about you.. but then again I usually only look at my home page and friends DMs.."

She let out a soft hum and she grabbed her phone again, attempting to login to her Instagram account. After a couple try's she got the password right, she ignored everything and went straight to the archived.

"Here you go," she handed him her phone with the post already opened. "I'm going to go get myself food."

Jack watched her for a few seconds as she got up and walked over to the kitchen before turning his attention back to the phone. While reading the long paragraph, he made sure the take his time and not skip over anything — knowing this would be his only opportunity to read it.

Adalyn came and sat back down with him just as he was finishing up reading. He softly nodded to himself and turned the phone off, handing it back to her and giving her a small smile.

"That wasn't embarrassing," he mentioned, breaking the somewhat comfortable silence. "I know how you were then, and I have respect for you for posting that where you were being open and truthful to everyone."

"You do?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "It takes a lot to post like that for anyone to see especially when you know not everyone's reactions to it will be positive."

"mh.." she hummed while slowly nodding.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


idk how i feel about this chapter it was
supposed to sorta be a filler anyway so🤷🏻‍♀️

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