058 | it won't be forever

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"So we're gonna start with Fallin', right," Daniel confirmed with his friends as he wrote it down so they remember when they officialise the tour setlist in the new year. "And finish with Lotus Inn again?"

"What if we put out How Do You Love Somebody before we start?" Zach more so suggested. "We could end with that instead- of course still preform Lotus Inn but something different, switch it up for tour."

"You wanna preform Something Different?" Jack furrowed looking away from his daughter and over to his friends.

"Noo," he shook his head. "Do a different setlist order from what we done for the Love Back show."

"Ohh right, sorry I wasn't paying attention."

The band was all hanging out at Daniel's house with Adalyn and Valentina also there with them, all seeing Lavender while she was still in town and talking about tour because thier excitement for it made it all they could focus on.

Adalyn sat there on lounge, her feet up on it while Jack sat on the floor in front of her, keeping his daughter entertained. She had one Airpod in, listening to music as she mainly kept her eyes on Lavender and Jack — feeling a little unsure about the whole tour conversation.

"Do you boys even have enough songs to tour?" Adalyn looked around the group. "Shouldn't you work on some more here before you even think about a tour.."

"You know we have two albums, a few ep's and many singles as well," Jonah mentioned. "And been on tour numerous times before.. we have plenty of songs to preform."

"But shouldn't you tour with all new songs.."

"We do have new songs to perform.. The Good Times and The Bad Ones album," Daniel reminded the girl as he looked at her confused. "You've known us the whole time it's been out, when have you ever seen us go on tour for it?"

"Yeah but that's old news now," she shrugged. "Why didn't you tour for that when it came out instead of waiting a year."

"Because we weren't able to.." he explained.

"Adalyn doesn't want us to go on tour," Jack added. "Don't worry about her, just ignore her, she'll get over it-"

"No, I don't care if you boys go on tour," she muttered. "Go. Leave tomorrow, I don't care."

"You don't mean that.." he replied.

"Addie you'll be fine without him for a couple weeks," Valentina chimed in. "We can always go visit them."

"Exactly," Daniel agreed. "And you told us last week that you're rich so you could always just follow us around if staying with him is so important to you."

"Touring the world's boring, and a waste of time," Adalyn groaned. "I've already been everywhere before, don't need to do it again. Anyway go back to your conversation.."

As the boys almost hesitantly agreed and they went back to planning which songs they wanted to preform, Adalyn carefully got up from the lounge and moved to sitting on the floor beside Jack.

A small smile on her face as she whispered the explicit lyrics from the songs she was listening to on to his ear, letting out a soft giggle every few seconds or so while he tried his best to concentrate on the band's conversation.

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