052 | what i don't get

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mr. avery

how are you this morning?
awake yet?

i just woke up lol

what time did you leave

like 11

i'll be back around 4 hopefully

we have a song coming out first
week of next year and we're still
trying to perfect it so i kinda need
to be here rn so sorry

i think i'm going to hang out with
val at her place before she goes to
work anyway

that works out then

did you talk to her bf about dinner?

no not yet i'll do that in a sec

are you feeling okay tho

i cried before but yes

everything will be okay adalyn

i know:(

anyway i'm going to go find
something to eat and cry sm
then go see val

okay text me if you need me

talk later🤍

i will <3


"Jonah.." Jack looked over at his friend as he turned his phone off and slid it back into his pocket. "Adalyn wants the four of us to go out for dinner again."

"Tonight?" Jonah furrowed as he took a seat on the other lounge. "I'm certain Val told me that she has work tonight.."

"No, not tonight," he shook his head. "Just sometime soon. She's going to hang out with Valentina now and will find out when she's free but she wanted me to talk to "Val's boyfriend" about it."

"Am I getting played or does Adalyn not know my name," he laughed.

"Who knows," Jack shrugged, laughing along with him.

"Do you think she just calls you Val's boyfriend so she doesn't get the names messed up," Zach joked.

"Makes sense," Corbyn chimed in. "Although having two boyfriends seems more like an Adalyn thing rather than Valentina."

Jack just shook his head, not even bothering to respond to the other's comment, grabbing his drink off the table into front of him and taking a sip.

"Oh, speaking of Adalyn," Daniel broke the slightly silences between the group as he looked over at Jack. "I did notice that Adalyn was the one that called you the other day, what was that all about?"

"Just- she just has some.. stuff going on- don't worry about it," he almost mumbled. "Just wanted me around."

"What could possibly be more important than being in the studio to record the song we need to have done by tonight?" Corbyn questioned.

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