050 | will always be here

282 12 9

The following morning Jack woke up with the bed to himself, he glanced over to the bathroom door which was wide open as he let out a small confused hum. He grabbed his phone and going on it, giving things a few minutes before getting up to check where she was. 

After her bath last night and the painkillers taking effect, Adalyn was feeling a bit better than she had been. But by the time she was about to fall asleep the remedies were beginning to ease off, leaving her restless and struggling to fall asleep.

Since a few minutes had passed and Adalyn was still no where to been seen, Jack got up and headed into the bathroom yet since she wasn't in there he used the toilet himself quickly before leaving her bedroom.

Walking down the hall, hearing soft sniffles from the girl, seeing the girl curled up on the lounge. He went straight over, crouching down beside her as he gently ran his hand over her hair while sharing a small smile with her.

"Is everything okay? Not feeling any better?"

She shook her head, "I barely got any sleep and I'm still in pain... what are you doing today?"

"I've got a tour meeting with the band, then we're going to work on some music, I've gotta leave in half hour-ish," he explained, matching her soft tone. "But if you need me to come back and do anything for you, you can call me."

"I think I'm going to take a nap- or at least try to, then go see my doctor.." she replied, mumbling majority of the words together as she closed her eyes again. "I feel like shit."

"Okay.. Would you like me to do anything before I leave?" he asked slightly tilting his head. "Food, water, painkillers, anything?"

"I took some aspirin before.. and it's finally starting to help so I'm just going to go to sleep.."

"okay," he placed a singular kiss on her forehead. "I'll stay out of your way and get dressed and do all that. I'll lock the door behind me when I leave.."

He ran his hand over her hair once more while he stood up, leaving the girl as she was already beginning to doze off.

He stood there for a moment, watching over her with little to no emotion on his face. Letting out a small sigh as he turned around and headed back down the hallway to the bedroom to get ready for the day.

        The whole morning spent with his friends and their manager planning out the future of the band, Jack had been distracted with his thoughts and was checking his phone every few minutes just wanting to hear back from Adalyn.

He wasn't sure on how he should feel with all the possibilities and just wanted a clearer answer as to why the girl hadn't been well.

The other four members could tell he wasn't fully paying attention, but they didn't want to say anything to him especially while Randy was still there.

Although before they had even finished going over everything, Jack's phone lit up with a call from the girl, causing him to quickly get up from lounge.

"I need to take this," he slightly muttered as he made his was out to the backyard of his friend's house, shutting the door behind himself. Answering the call as he held his phone up to his ear, "Hey.. what's up? Is everything okay?"

"w-will you come over.. please," she cried out, her voice unsteady. "I just got home.. I need you here."

"okay.. I'll leave here in a minutes," he replied, using a softer, comforting tone. "I'll message when I'm at your place."


"I'll see you soon," he added before hanging up the call.

Jack took a bit of time for himself, running his hands through his hair quickly. He could tell whatever she had found out wasn't the best of news but still had no idea of what it could have been which had left her so upset.

After a couple more seconds and taking a deep breath to gather himself, the boy shoved his phone into his pocket and headed back inside the house.

"uh.. is it all good if I head out, and someone just text me whenever's happening.." he awkwardly stood there while rubbing the back of his neck. "I just- I just really need to be with..  someone right now.."

"We were just about to wrap this meeting up anyway," Randy gave him a small nod of approval.

"Go for it," Jonah added.

"thanks," he sent him a weak smile in return. "I'll- I might not be able to make it to the studio tomorrow, I'll just text the group chat."

"That's fine."

Exchanging goodbyes with the group, Jack made his way out the front. Starting his car up the second he shut the door, placing his phone down on the passenger seat and pulling away from the curb.

Driving straight to Adalyn's apartment complex, wasting as little time as possible knowing it would be at least a twenty to thirty minute drive with the midday LA traffic.

Once Jack had finally arrived at the girl's place he sent her a text like he said he would as he locked his car and headed towards the elevator. Lightly tapping his foot against the floor as a small amount of anxiety came over him.

He stood in the hallway, in front of apartment for a moment before letting out a deep breath and knocking on the door. And within only a few seconds Adalyn opened the door.

She instantly wrapped her arms around him without sharing a word, and buried her head into his chest while tears continued to fall from her eyes. He placed a kiss on the top of her head as his arms went around her.

"come on.." he softly whispered, slowly taking a few steps forward while guiding her more into the place and shutting the door behind them.

"I'm never drinking again," she mumbled into his chest between tears and sniffles.

"what's wrong.. what did they tell you..?" Jack ran his hand over her hair, causing her to lift her head up and look at him. "I will always be here for you.. no matter what, remember that.."

"I- I.."

"Take a breath. And let's go sit down," he politely interrupted her, unwrapping his arm and grabbing her hand.

The two walked over to the lounge and took a seat facing each other, Jack using his free hand to wipe away her tears, an obvious frown on his face from seeing her upset.

"She said-" Adalyn cut herself off, taking a deep breath again like he had suggested, stuttering her words, "I.. I was.. pr- pregnant but I.. cause I drunk so much I caus- I.."

"It's okay, I think I know what you're trying to say," he wrapped his arms around her, lightly running his hand up and down her back to comfort her as he placed another kiss on the top of her head. "cry as much as you want, it's okay.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


sad chapter i'm sorry🙁💔

also idk if this will brighten your
mood or bring it down more but 10
chapters left !!

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