021 | a simple question

394 14 4

"Yeah I like that one as well," Zach agreed with the song Daniel had just mentioned.

"mh I don't really mind which one but I kinda like the other one more," Corbyn quickly glanced around the group, receiving a nod from them.

The boys over the past few weeks had been working on a few new songs to pitch to their management and label, the only problem being was decided which order to do them in.

And while the four were discussing music Jack sat their sort of listening along, but was more stuck in his thoughts and in that very moment could care less about which song he liked better.

He rested his elbows on his knees and placed his head in his hands, staring blankly at the floor as his brain was slowly and this time fully, refocusing on the conversation that was being made between his friends around him.

"Hey Jack," Jonah gained the boys attention, watching as he lifted his head up and looked over. "You good? You don't have to be here right now if you wanna go home."

"I'm fine, I'm just a little stressed and thinking about things," he attempted to just brush off the topic, not wanting to bring up the real reason for his whole disassociation.

"Lavender or..?"

"No, Lav's fine," he shook his head. "Just trying to work something out."

"Do you still talk to Grace or whoever that girl is that you went on a date with?" Corbyn asked as the boy shook his head again. "Like not at all?"

"After her reason for not going to the show, not really," he softly sighed, leaning back on the lounge. "Anyway what songs are we discussing?"

"Wait speaking of the show, we never discussed this.. why was Adalyn there? Did Val invite her?" Daniel asked, looking over at Jonah as he done so.

"Yeah, Val wanted someone she knew to be there with her.. but someone sorta made her leave," he eyes went to Jack, "Despite how much he still talks about her.."

"I already apologise to her and she said she was already going to leave anyway because of his girlfriend," he pointed at Zach, who was sat beside him.

"What did Libby do-"

"You spoke to Adalyn?!" Corbyn cut him off, using the same raised, exclaimed tone the other was.

"Oh my god," Daniel said through a laugh as the other two settle back down. "I didn't think a simple question would cause so much yelling."

"I called her on Thursday night and then went over her place on Friday night," Jack made clear as a few brows were raised amongst the group. "We just talked once her niece was asleep. And then I went home."

"Was it not like awkward?"

"Yeah, a little at the start but after that not really," he shrugged. "She told me about one of her exes because she already promised she would while I just like listened."

"Are you going to keep talking to her?" Jonah asked.

"I think I probably will but like she knows that I need time to trust her again and that I just want to talk about things at the moment and be just friends.." he responded. "From what I heard the other night, it sounds like she's been through a lot."

"You don't think she's trying to manipulate you or something?" Corbyn mentioned, receiving a head shake.

"No, she genuinely seemed hurt while telling me what she went through with her ex, and I just don't see why she'd lie about it. Like she cried to me and she only ever cried that one time when she thought I was asleep."

"You guys talking about Adalyn?" Valentina said which had caused them all to look at her, Jack and Jonah both nodding. "Yeah, she not very open with her feelings."

"They're seeing each other again," Jonah explained to his girlfriend as she had sat down beside him.

"I know, Adalyn told me. She also said not to tell the other girls."

"Why's that?" Jack looked at her confused.

"She's not as close to them as she use to be. And also because she has only seen them once I think Brooke's birthday," she responded.

"How come you're just always here?" Corbyn asked.

"I'm here to pick up Jonah.." she slightly tilted her head while pointing at the boy beside him. "He told me four, and it's four fifteen so yeah."

"Valentina you were at the show on Wednesday.." Zach finally spoke up since Jack was done talking about Adalyn for the moment. "What happened with Libby and Adalyn?"

"So we- You know about this already don't you Jack?" she watched him nod before she turned back to the other boy. "Basically someone mentioned you two and then she just said that "I'm dating him" so Adalyn and I both just assume she was talking about Jack."

"oh okay.."

"Anyway, do we have anything on tomorrow?" Jack look up from his phone after reading the text he just received.

"Not tomorrow, no. But I think one-pm we decided on for Wednesday."

"Cool, Adalyn just asked if I could go over cause she wants to talk more about everything."

"I mean.. as long as you're happy," Daniel replied to Jack once again. "And like if seeing her is what you want, do it."

"um speaking of going places.." Jonah brought the groups attention to himself and his girlfriends. "We gotta go now but also I won't be here next week, we're going away."

"Alright, I don't know what you boys are up to but I have a couple things on next week. So do you guys just wanna talk a week off, no work?" Daniel glanced around the group as the other three agreed.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i glanced over this quickly but hopefully
there isn't too many spelling mistakes:)

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