014 | a dangerous game

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Arriving at her parents house and greeting everyone, Adalyn and Lucas had taken a seat beside one another at the dinning room table. They had arrived a little late so it wasn't long afterwards once dinner was served.

Since her and Jack stopped seeing each other she had dragged Lucas along to this now being the second family event, just to keep her grandparents happy and stop them from asking questions.

The two had grown use too pretending as if they were dating, from sharing soft smiles with other each while at the table to the very occasional one or two actual, lip to lip kisses they have shared while at that house.

Yet all this acting, only made him fall for her more and more, although he knows that them actually dating can never and won't ever happen.

As much as she has been working on herself to treat guys she likes better and not leave them the second she gets upset at them over the smallest reason, Lucas knew whoever ends up dating her would be playing a dangerous game.

With how easily she can fake feelings and act like she's in love with someone, at any given moment. And on top of that she hasn't been with anyone since the situation with Jack, so who knows if she has even improved herself.

She has been able to commit to a three year relationship in the past, but that was before she had been hurt multiple times and hurt others. And all she has now to show that she can is her words.

But after all actions are louder than words

Finishing up dinner, more chatter begun between pairs across the table, slowly turning into a group conversation as everyone finished eating.

The dinner had surprising been going pretty well, especially considering with their half-sister being there but she didn't seem to be creating a problem — although Xavier and Emily were being a little cautious when it came to their daughter, since they didn't know Meghan very well.

"Hey Adalyn.." Emily spoke up, gaining the attention of her sister-in-law. "Could I- speak to you um- just like out there," she pointed her hand back towards the large glass sliding doors.

"Yeah sure," she nodded as she stood up, flattening her dress out and following her out to the backyard.

Shutting the door behind them so they wasn't any sort of breeze going inside, also so they could have a private conversation.

"What's up?" Adalyn loosely crossed her arms as she watch Emily nervously stand there, hesitating with her response.

"Xavier and I are sort of going through it at the moment.. and he's been taking some- things that aren't good for Eliana to be around.. and so we think it's best- if you could look after her for awhile, while we work things out.. and get him off those dru- things."

"okay," she slowly nodded, knowing that looking after her niece would also be good for herself, giving her a change in pace for a couple weeks or so.

"Thank you so much," she grabbed one of Adalyn's hands with both of hers. "We just don't want to tell Sarah about everything, and having a nanny while we're still here just isn't practical, and.. and I don't expect it to be any longer than a month, Okay?"

"Yes okay, but I promise it's completely fine. Don't worry," she reassured the other. "Eliana's the cutest little girl, I'll look after her any day.. When would you like me to look after her from?"

"Well, we're going away tomorrow morning, just for the weekend and Sarah was suppose to be looking after her, but if you'd rather take her when you leave instead of coming back, that's totally fine. We do have bags packed ready just in case."

"um," Adalyn glancing inside through the glass doors to the little girl sitting at the table, playing with her dolls. "It'll be easier for me if I take her today, but I'll let her decide.."

"Okay, once again thank you so much," Emily repeated as she slid open the doors, the both of them heading inside.

Adalyn quickly went to the bathroom before coming back to the dinner room, taking her seat beside Lucas. Smiling at him as he grabbed her hand, wanting to get her attention for a second, which it did.

"Is everything okay?" he whispered to her as she nodded with a little hum, placing a small kiss on his cheek then turning to her niece on the other side of her, still keeping ahold of the boys hand.

"Hey princess," she softly patted her hair with her free hand. "Would you like to come stay at aunty's place?"

"Adalyn," her mother called out. "You can't just steal her-"

"No Mom," Xavier interrupted her, shaking his head as he fiddled his fingers. "Emily was just asking if Adalyn could look after Eliana.. We would like her to.."

"Okay then," Sarah held her hands up in defence, signalling that she gave her daughter permission to look after the little girl. "Ellie would you like to stay at Addie's?"

"mhm," Eliana nodded, a smile plastered across her face. Adalyn let go of Lucas' hand and grabbing her niece out of the high chair, now sitting her on her lap. "We can play dolls, and swim and.." she continued to list what she wanted to do.

"We sure can," she placed a kiss on the top of the girl's head. "We might head out soon then, just cause it's like half an hour to my place and it is getting kinda later for her.."

"Yes of course," Emily jumped up. "I'll go grab her bags and then- and then meet you the front and give you her car seat."

Giving her sister-in-law a nod, then turing her attention to Eliana. "Princess, would you like to go pick out some toys you want to bring?"

After she had agreed, Adalyn carried her over to her play room with Lucas following behind. Placing her down to go grab the toys she wanted, the other two stood there watching over her.

"Are you sure you're okay to look after her?" Laura's questioned, wrapping her around around her lower back as she looked at him.

"Yeah, she'll distract my mind and it's better for me to have her now rather than them, I'll explain it all later.."

"Addie," Eliana softly patted her leg. "This and this and this and this and my bear?" she looked up at her sounding a unsure, as if she didn't know if she was allow those couple things.

"Yes all those are okay," she smiled. "Come on, let's bring them out to your mommy."

And so over the next fifteen minutes or so they spent it packing the little girls things into Adalyn's car. Then they all had said their goodbyes with everyone. Driving off none of the three really knew how long this was going to be for, especially the youngest.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i feel like this seems like it out of no where
but i sorta have a plan for things so yeah

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