011 | i would love to go

444 17 3


the superior five

hey girls.. i'm so sorry for cutting
you all out so suddenly. i just wanted
to change and not hurt anyone else so
i needed that time to myself to focus
on things and work on myself and yeah.
and i know i could have done that while
still hanging out with you all but i just
genuinely didn't want to do anything.
but like i do now. i've been doing a bit
better lately. and i've been talking to
lucas and he thinks i should go to a party
and get back to doing things i like cause
apparently i'm sad lol

so what's everyone up to tonight?

no need to apologise addie you
needed it but so so sorry i have
plans tonight and can't make it :/

yeah same i can't make it, sorry
i've got work tonight

addie glad to hear your doing a better
and want to get back to doing things
you like. and i would love to go but
i already have plans as well

we could plan something for another
day maybe?

jonah and i have a date tonight which
has already been changed like five
times. i'm sorry :(

it's all good

have fun everyone:)


Adalyn let out a small sigh as she laid back on her bed. For the first time in months she was ready to go out and do something she use to do at least once every week, but now after finding out all her friends conveniently had plans, she wasn't.

Laying there she knew it was her fault for not asking them sooner instead of only a few hours before. But then again she couldn't help but think just maybe some were lying about already having plans because they didn't wan't to see her.

She unlocked her phone again, sitting back up and scrolled through her contacts, hesitating on Jack's for a solid minute before calling herself stupid and reminding herself he doesn't want her in his life, then continuing to find Lucas' like she had opened the app for.

"Hey Adalyn.." Lucas answered the call. "I'm currently getting ready for work but what's up?"

"Do you have to go to work?" she slightly mumbled.

"Yes Adalyn, shockingly I do in fact need to go to work.." he responded sarcastically. "Why? I thought you were going out with the girls?"

"They all have plans," she sighed. "Can't you just talk to Andrew and ask him to take the night off. Or swap shifts with someone. I don't know, just do something. Please Lucas."

"Do you desperately need me there?"


He let out a small sigh. "I'll leave once I finish getting ready and I'll come by your place quickly before work. Does that work?"

"I guess.." she mumbled.

"Okay then.. I'll be there in like about twenty minutes," he responded. "Bye"

"Bye.." she said as the call hung up.

Adalyn set her phone down on her bed and glanced around her room. After a minute or so she had gotten up and headed to her kitchen.

Grabbing a snack and sitting down at the kitchen island, staring blankly at the wall as she ate it and waited for Lucas.

Once he had arrived and been let in and greeted one another, the two found themselves seated in the lounge and facing each other.

"So did things with Val go the other day?" Lucas spoke up.

"It went good," she gave him a small smile. "She was her for like three hours and we talked about everything.. how I'm feeling about it all now, how I've been, how her and her boyfriend's been. And about Willow moving and yeah.."

"That's good," he gave her a smile in return as he softly nodded his head. "It would've been nice talking to her again."

"It was nice talking to her," she agreed. "It was.. She said Jack doesn't hate me but considering him and his friend didn't talk for two months because of me, make me believe that he does hate me.."

"Adalyn.." he shook his head for a few seconds. "I don't- So she told you that he doesn't hate you but you think he does?"

"yeah.. but she also said that I shouldn't bring myself back into their lives," she explained. "So I don't know.. it just seemed- I feel like she wants me to be happy and that's why she said he still likes me but then said not to bring myself back into their lives because he actually does hate me."

He placed his head in his hand, trying to comprehend her ramble. "Okay.." he looked back up at her. "I know you like him and you want things to work out with him, and what Val tell you doesn't mean he hates you.."

"But, she told you that you shouldn't bring yourself back into their lives and you should respect that.." Lucas continued. "And I'm sure there's a good reason as to why she told that-"

"Because he hates me," she interrupted him.

"If you believe that.. then you should move on or at least try to. Because I can tell that this thinking about Jack, is just making you upset more and more each day.."

"Well I tried to go out tonight but they're all busy," she complained.

"I have to go to work.." he started explaining, receiving a sigh from her. "You know that.. But! I don't tomorrow night.. so we can go out if you'd like to..?"

She nodded. "Okay.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


finally finding inspo for books other than
end game

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