010 | probably shouldn't say this

493 16 3

"Thank god you saved me," Valentina let out a small laugh as she sat down with Adalyn, on the lounge in the girl's apartment.

"What do you mean?" she looked at the girl worried.

"Just guys being dickheads," she sighed, that still not being enough for the other to relax, if anything she was now more worry and Valentina could see that. "Jonah and I didn't break up.. I'm talking about other guys," she clarified.

"Anyway, how have you been?" she continued to talk as she changed the subject. "What have you been up to lately?"

"um.. I've been alright," Adalyn slowly nodded, as Valentina copied her actions seconds after. "I haven't really done much, just working on myself. How have you been? I went past your house one time and I don't know who's car was there but it wasn't any of yours."

"Oh- none of us live there anymore," she placed her hand on the girls should as she explained. "I have an apartment like ten minutes away. Then Lex, Brooke, and Naomi live at a different house. Our leases ran out and we all wanted a change."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have cut you girls out, I should've talk to you. I just needed time to myself and like- I don't know," she rambled.

"Adalyn, it's fine. Like you said, you needed the time to yourself," she reassured her friend. "All of us are okay that you've taken this time to work on yourself."

"How's Jack? Have you spoke to him?" Adalyn spoke up after a few seconds of awkward silence as Valentina let out a small laugh. "What?"

"You two," she softly shook her head as she pressed her lips together. "Yes I've spoke to Jack, literally like twenty minutes ago.. and yes he's doing well."

"But those boys have a lot going on right now. And some of them have been very opinionated lately, so I just don't think it's the best idea for you to come back into their lives, even if it is just to be friends with them," Valentina added.


"Look from what I know- I probably shouldn't say this, but I don't think Jack has moved on, I'm pretty sure he still likes you. But not only does he need to figure things out himself, but I think those boys need to understand him as well, before he starts talking to you again.."

"I thought he hated me.." Adalyn mumbled as the other shook her head. "Does him and Zach get along?"

"Yes- well I never saw them together for a bit but they're definitely civil with each other now. I know parts of what happened but only from Jonah's side, I don't know where they stand on things. But they can be in a room together so there's some sort of talk that's happened between them.."

She slowly nodded, of course still feeling bad that she hooked up with his friend, and also now feeling bad knowing that they didn't talk for a while after everything happened.

"But Adalyn," the other broke the silence. "I don't want to do this back and forth, middle person, shit. I don't want you to be constantly asking me what he's up to.. And same goes for him, I'll tell him the same thing. If you want to know what he's doing and how's going, you need to ask him yourself."

"Because it's not very fair on me. Breaking his, Jonah, all those boys trust by telling you things they're saying. And then I don't want you to get upset over those things and close yourself off again."

"If you two want something, that's what you two need to work, together. Not through other people, not through me. You two need to talk to each other for that to happen."

"I sent him some.. voice messages.. the day after he called things off.. and he still hasn't replied," Adalyn hesitantly responded. "so I don't think.. he wants anything to do with me.."

"Jack's probably not ready to talk. Like I said those boys have a lot going on. Jack's got work to do, he's got a kid to look after, he's got this, he's got that. Like he doesn't have to time to just be at home focusing on himself for an extended period of time like you can. Give him the time he needs.."

"And I'm not saying he will.. but if he does eventually decide that he doesn't want to get back with you. You need to accept that," Valentina explained, receiving a soft nod. "I know you still like, and I can tell that you've been working on yourself. But it's going to take him a bit to trust you again.."

"I just want to talk to him," Adalyn sniffled as the other grabbed her hand, rubbing her thumb against it. "I just want to explain everything to him."

"Give him some more time.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i feel like this is all over the place but you
get the point of the conversation 😃

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