054 | wanna work on a song

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"Jack, I managed to get that date in April changed for you.." Randy explained, "So you boys now fly out from Minnesota on the morning of the fourteenth, and you'll be back here the day your daughter gets here."

"Thank you," Jack replied.

"And also.. Don't Wake Me Up is officially scheduled to come out at midnight local time on January seventh," Randy mentioned. "You boys have the teaser video ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes, we got that recorded the other day," Corbyn nodded.

"Alright, enjoy the Christmas, New Year break and I'll see you boys in a couple weeks," he said as he stood up while gathering his few things. "Forty-four shows, we have lots of rehearsals for them so be ready."

Sharing goodbyes and early greetings with their manager before he had made his way out of Jack's house, the five boys then turning to each other trying to work out if there's anything else they needed to get done while they were all together.

"oh Jack," Daniel turned to the boy. "Can we go upstairs so you and Jonah can record something? We finished that song the other day after you two left and I wanna see how it sound so we can work out which part's who's."

"Yeah- ah.. actually Adalyn's up there, she uh yeah.." Jack almost hesitantly responded, "I'll go see if she's okay with you guys coming up."

"Is that why you suggested here when Daniel said we couldn't go to his?" Corbyn asked as the other boy stood up.

"I just said mine is fine cause no one else was answering.." he furrowed, turning back around to face him. "And Adalyn wanted to come instead of being alone at her apartment, I don't see why it matters."

"If it was such a big deal you could have suggested your place," Jonah added.

"I never said it was a big deal, we just never come here anymore so I was just confused when he suggested for us to come here before anyone said anything about it," Corbyn replied

While they continued talking with one another, Jack excused himself and headed upstairs to his room. Slipping his phone back into his pocket as he got to the top of the staircase.

Walking straight over to the bed and crouching down beside the girl, gently running his hand over her hair as she looked at him with a frown on her face, returning it while slightly tilting his head.

"Ads, what's wrong?"

"I'm just sad," Adalyn muttered.

"I'm sorry," he placed a kiss on her lips. "I know it's probably not what you want right now but do you mind if the boys come up, we wanna work on a song? You can stay here in bed, that's fine."

"I don't care.."

Jack placed another kiss on her lips, then standing back up and whispering; "I'll be back up here in a sec."

"Avery.." she grabbed his hand, stopping him from walking around and looking up at him with a small pout. "I love you.." she slightly mumbled.

"I.. love you too," he responded with hesitation while looking down at her with a smile and letting out a small chuckle, "I wasn't expecting you to say that right now.."


"No, don't apologize," he lent down and partly wrapped his arms around her. Resting his head in the crook of her neck, placing a few soft kiss there before lifting his head up and planting one final one on her lips. "I love you. I'll be back in a second."

As he walked off to quickly invite his friends up, Adalyn was left with a small smile on her lips while her cheeks begun to warm up and turn a light shade of pink. She almost hated the idea of him making her so happy, but there was just something about him that makes her melt.

Pulling the comforter up and partly over her head while rolling over slightly to bury her head into the pillow as she heard the boys not so quietly making their way upstairs.

Adalyn closely watched the ones in her eye site as mainly Jack and Daniel got the boy's music equipment connected to Daniel's laptop as Jonah spoke with them. While Zach and Corbyn took a seat on the edge of the bed, opposite to where she was.

Jonah's glanced over to the girl, sending her a small smile as they made eye contact and had eventually walked over. Lightly folding his arms as he looked down at her.

"You going okay?" he softly spoke. "Val would kill me if she knew I saw you and didn't ask."

"I'm good.. just tired, glad the most of it's pretty much over now.." she replied.

"That's good to hear," he nodded, then awkwardly standing there as the conversation died down.

"Hey, wait.." she gained his attention again, receiving a hum as he slightly raised his brows. "If you don't spend Christmas with Val can you let me know.. I don't want her to spend it alone."

"Val's coming with me home to Minnesota, we've already talk about it a couple weeks ago when I was planning my fights and all," he explained. "We're leaving on.. Thursday morning."

"oh.. okay."

"We're only going for a week, we'll be back before New Years," Jonah continued to talk about their trip. "You have Jack, I should be allow to steal Val from you."

"Yeah, but I'm only going to come here for his daughter, never for him," she said with a small giggled.

"Fair," he jokingly agreed.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


tbh i wrote this the other day and
currently writing like two chapters
ahead but i'm trying to spread out
updates a bit so it doesn't end so
quickly 👍

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