005 | things are so awkward

533 13 16

The boys were having their photoshoot for next single, meaning the it's the first time Zach and Jack have been in the same room since the youngest informed the other of Adalyn's actions.

The two have had minimal conversation with each other so far, both unsure of when to speak up. And Zach has tried his best to not be in Jack's way, but that was kind of hard considering they did have to take photos together.

Their little lunch break came around, and after eating Zach had decided it was finally time he'd go talk to Jack. He walked over to the boy who had distanced himself from the others while on his phone.

"hey Jack.." he sort of mumbled as Jack looked up at him, his attention going back to his phone seconds later. "Are we good? Because I-"

"Just shut up," Jack scolded the boy, avoiding looking up at him and making eye contact. "We can talk later, I just don't want to worry about it now."


He turned around and started walking back to where he was sitting before. Letting out a small sigh, knowing that it's his fault they're not talking, and that he shouldn't have ever got with Adalyn — even if her and Jack were fighting at the time.

"You've fucked up Zach.. but he should come around eventually," Jonah watched the boy as he sat down.

"He said we can talk later.."

"Oh? Okay," he slowly nodded in response.

It wasn't long till the boys were called back to finish their photoshoot, doing a little planning and talking before beginning the second half of the shoot.

"Zach, go hold the halo for Jack so fans can stop saying shit about you two not getting along," Daniel called out.

"alright.." he got up, going and joining Jack in front of the camera. Making sure to focus and hold it out in the right position so they can finish as soon as possible.

The other three watched over them as the photos were being taken. "There's so much tension between them two," daniel mentioned.

"Sexual tension," Corbyn let out a small laugh. "Yea between Zach and Adalyn, clearly there was."

"No, negative tension," Jonah softly hit the boy beside him. "Things are so awkward between those boys."

"No but honestly, I'm surprised none of us saw him hooking up with her coming. I mean like she would always randomly touch him," Corbyn continued to talk about her. "In more than friendly ways.."

"But she did with you as well," Daniel added.

"I guess.."

"You know that party she made Jack come to and he was complaining about her the whole time.." Jonah said as the other two slowly nodded. "Yeah, I saw them kiss that night.."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Daniel furrowed.

"Because Jack and Adalyn already weren't on good terms and as much as he complained about her I could tell he really liked her." he explained. "Like let's be honest, things between them would have ended way sooner if he didn't."

"mh true."

An hour or so had passed, and they finished up with their photoshoot. Everyone said their goodbyes and headed to the parking lot out the front.

"Don't kill each other, you two," Daniel joked, pointing at Jack and Zach as the other two laugh.

"We won't," Jack shook his head, annoyed at them while leaning against his car with his arms crossed and Zach standing across from him, in front of his own car.

"Bye guys," Jonah slightly waved at them before getting in his car. The rest following his actions shortly after, all driving off to whatever other plans they had for the afternoon.

"What were you going to say earlier?" Jack spoke up, turning his attention to the boy in front of him.

"oh.. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have even went out with her. I don't know why I did. You don't have to forgive me.. but I do think for the sake of everyone else we need to get along or at least talk.."

"hm," he hummed with a small awkward laugh followed by letting out a sigh. "If you.. really cared, you wouldn't have even got with her in the first place."

"I know. I just wasn't thinkin-"

"Let me finish," he cut the other off, reviving a soft nod in response. "I don't care that you got with her. I'm actually glad you told me. But that doesn't give you the right to go do it again."

"I've sort of spoke to Adalyn.." Jack hesitantly continued. "Well voice messages. And I'm not surprised she got with you, it's something she would do. And I understand you were both drunk.. so I'm assuming it would have never happened if you two were sober."


"Just don't fucking do it again," Jack huffed. "I know she wanted to but you should have been the one to say no. Despite how much she was all over Corbyn without ever being stopped.. did you he ever get with her? did he ever go out with her?"

"no... I know it's a different situation, but can I ask why you forgave him so quickly after she's kissed him in front of you, but you wouldn't speak to me for two months?" Zach sort of mumbled his question.

"All the bullshit Adalyn done aside.. I liked her. And I wanted things between her and I to work out," he explained. "but people had other plans.."

"Once again, I'm sorry.."

"You don't need to keep apologising Zach. I don't really care. Because I'm sure everyone, and I mean everyone, would prefer us to get along."

"Friends it is..?"

"Friends," Jack nodded in agreement. "Band mates," he added.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i've got irl things to do so i don't have time to read over this. it's probably all over the place but let's hope there's little to none spelling mistakes :)

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