008 | i wanna cry

506 16 9

After being convinced by Adalyn the previous night, Lucas had woken up beside her, in her bed while she was still fast asleep. He carefully got up out of bed and headed into her bathroom.

Coming back into the room and letting out a soft sigh as he sat back down, looking over at Adalyn as he thought about what to do since it was only ten-am and knowing she might not be up for at least a couple more now.

Sitting there in moments like these, are when Lucas really questions things. He knows she wanted him to stay because she's not one hundred percent okay mentally but then again, she has another guest room which he could've been in instead.

Plus he also know how much she's still in love with Jack — so more than likely she probably just wanted him there for the sake of having a male presences with her.

And he is okay with helping her at any given moment because he wants to see her happy self back, but there's a point where he knows he needs to draw the line. Because there is a difference between helping someone through problems in a platonic way and then being someone's rebound. Which he doesn't want to be.

But with Willow preparing to move to London and Adalyn not talking to anyone of her other friends, he feels like he's been put in a position where he needs to be careful with what he says and just not leave her life.

So it's the matter of making sure she gets back to being happy while all making sure to not put himself into a situation where he feels pressured or even to the point where he can no longer help her, and has to leave her alone.

After staring at her for a few more seconds, Lucas let out yet another sigh as he grabbed his phone and laid back down beside her. Going on it to pass the time as he waited for her to finally wake up.

Fortunately, it wasn't long till she had, but unfortunately she didn't feel the best mentally after waking up from a dream she had with Jack in it.

"Luke," she groaned as she softly shook him, getting him to turn around and face her. She almost instantly wrapped her top arm over him and laid her head in his chest.

"What's wrong?" he questioned, gently throwing his arm around her as well.

"I wanna cry," she slightly mumbled. "I don't know, I'm just sad," she added after being asked why she felt that way.

"it's okay," he whispered in response as he kept ahold of her, softly rubbing her back.

Adalyn having dreams about Jack was something the would happen quiet often since she quiet literally thought about him all the time. And him showing up in her dream made it even harder to forget him.

Majority of the time they'll be just them being on a date and having fun, which she was content with. Occasionally they'll be him off with another girl and she's just trying watching along, unable to do anything.

Then there's times like today where it'll be of them fighting over sometimes little things or the whole situation with Zach, and it'll remind her that actually happened and Jack is in fact mad at her.

Lucas knew to an extent about her dreams with the other boy, she would leave out most the detail so he hasn't realised that they were affected her so much — since whenever she did talk about them she'd seem happy.

"I have work at seven but do you want to go and get out today?" he softly spoke up once she had calmed down a bit.

"not really.." she mumbled.

"Go out for lunch.. invite your friends?" he suggested, wanting her to talk with them again but instead receiving a head shake in response. "Or even just us? Just lunch, it doesn't even have to be an restaurant."

"I don't want to.."

"Adalyn, I know you don't want to but you can't spend all day inside," he ran his fingers through a few strand for her hair.

"If any of his fans see out together, they're all gonna attack me again for moving on too quickly" she groaned. "And I don't want that shit again."

"Who cares. We know we're not together. We know you haven't "moved on". And you don't even have instagram anymore so you won't even know."

"But I don't want to that's the thing.."

"Okay, we don't have to go out, but I'd like it if you did," he settled to somewhat agreeing with her as she buried her head into his chest. "I just want you to get your mind off of him. Even if it is just temporarily.."

"'Maybe we could go to a party later in the week.." she lifted her head off his chest and looked at him. "Maybe though.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i guess "i still picture it, it's been a couple of months" if you will

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