042 | been a bit complicated

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"Good morning," Jack gave the group a small wave as he walking into Daniel's living, the other four boys and their manager already there. "Sorry traffic was bad."

"You live like literally around the corner," Daniel furrowed, watching the boy come and sit down on the empty spot of the couch.

"I spent the night at Adalyn's and I didn't even notice the time this morning and then I also had to go home and get dressed before coming. Sorry again," he rambled.

"Okay, anyway," Randy, their manager, cleared his throat as he gained the attention of the whole band, "Tour.. we're just planning the US portion today.. anything specific.. any of your birthdays to try to avoid having shows, ect. I was just talking with the boys about this, Jack."

"Oh yeah, my twenty-first," Zach quickly raised his hands, Randy making a small note on the paper in front of him. "I would prefer not to preform.. try to do something with friends and everyone here in LA maybe.."

"Alright, anything else?"

"uh I don't care about mine but Lavy birthday and like easter time, it's my turn to have her so I'm hoping it can happen," Jack mentioned. "If we can't be here then, that fine, Mom, Syd, or someone would be able to bring her to us."

"When's her birthday again?" Randy looked over at the boy, "April..?"

"Twenty-two," he gave the manager a small smile. "Easter I believe is the week before her birthday but that doesn't matter as much, if I were to pick one or the other."

"Alright," he nodded. "Any other preferences you three have thought of?"

"Nah, I don't really mind," Daniel shrugged.

"Yeah, I still don't care," Jonah agreed. "I'd be happy preforming or not on my birthday. Also I'm sure the other boys agree, but can hometown shows for sure be added."


"Also could we maybe have a little more of a break between some shows, so shows aren't back to back like they have been previous tours, just some time to spend around the towns or even with our girlfriends if they come visit us at any point," Corbyn added, receiving a nod.

"um just so we have an Idea, if we're able to spend end of April and the end of May in LA.. when approximately would we be starting tour?" Jack questioned. "Just so I have time to work out things with Gabriela for Lav."

"So I do already have some dates like penciled in with a few venues since it's almost mid-November already and I knew you boys wanted to do shows next year.." Randy explained, "But I will go and get it all planned out properly with all the cities after this, and try to get them moved around or work around it."

"But.. If we plan like say thirty shows and you want to be back here by mid-April.." he continued. "It will probably be around end of Feburary, start of March- depending on what can be booked."

"Alright, that's all good," Jack nodded, thinking about how he could work out spending time with his daughter.

"Zach, how do you feel about spending your birthday in Las Vegas instead if we can't get all the cities it in before Lavender's birthday?" he turned his attention to the youngest. "Just thinking maybe if we can't get there and California shows in before her birthday, we'll put it in after."

"Yeah, I'm cool with that."

"Alright, that'll give us some more time to spread the shows out," Randy gave the band a final nod, getting up from the chair and grabbing his belong. "I'm going to go head back to the office now and get all this officially planned out over this week, and I'll send the draft in the group message so you boys can approve it before it's finalised."

And with goodbye's from the band, Randy made his way out of Daniel's house as the boys all turned back to each other, ready to spend some more of their day working on some new music.

"So Adalyn's huh?" Jonah glanced over at Jack, slightly raising a brow. "She's talking with you again?"

"Yeah," Jack slowly nodded. "I'm sure you know what happened the other night when you three went out.. but yeah, she just needed some time to herself."

"What happened?" Corbyn chimed in.

"She just shouldn't have went out," he attempted to brush it off, shaking his head softly.

"You two going good though?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah," Jack was quick to respond with a nod. "I think she- well we, needed that time together last night, since things have just- it's been a bit complicated, since she dropped her niece home."

"I just don't understand why you went back to her after everything she done- I mean like I'm should really be the one to talk but like I'm sure you understand what I mean," Zach babbled, mumbling most his words.

"I don't know.. putting everything to the side, they're just something about her that's just like addictive," he replied. "And like she's actually wanting a relationship now and over her whole fuck every guy she sees stage, so I'm open to giving her the chance to redeem herself."

"So you know she's over her fuckboy era because either she hasn't done it yet and only time will tell if she is truely over it, or she has already gotten with someone else since you started seeing each other again and she apologised.." Corbyn pointed out. 

"That girl barely even kiss the guy the other ni- fuck, sorry Jack," Jonah quickly cut himself off.

The boy subtly threw his arm in the air, letting out a sigh, "Well there you go Corbyn.. and the fact she regrets it and wouldn't talk to anyone or leave her apartment for almost a week, I think makes it safe to assume she's over it."

"Anyway.. the music," Daniel brought the group's attention back to the second reason they were all hanging out. "My brain's still running with idea I wanna get down."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


notes notes notes plans plans plans👀😈any ideas // things you hope to happen

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notes notes notes plans plans plans👀😈
any ideas // things you hope to happen

anyway now to write it all ...

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