044 | distracted by other guys

268 14 6

Since Jack had been spending some time with his family and focusing on his band, Adalyn was occupying herself with clearing her apartment and mindlessly scrolling through social media since he wouldn't come over.

Although now with a couple days passing by since the last time they saw each other, the boy agreed to stay the night and spend the night in with her after he had finished up with his friends.

So he had done. Driving himself from Corbyn's house over the girl's place, a small bag with a change of clothes for the following day in the backseat, pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex.

Grabbing his phone, accepting the call and holding it up to his ear, swinging the bag over his shoulder and locking the car as he walked over to the elevators, sharing quick greeting with the girl on the other end.

"Are you still coming over or..?" Adalyn asked, slight mumble in her tone.

"Yeah, I'm here, I'm like literally in the elevator right now," he replied while pressing the button for her floor. "I'll be like ten seconds."

"okay, my door's unlocked for you."

"Okay, I'll see you soon," he simply ended the call.

Jack continued to stay on his phone, replying to a couple texts as he walked out of the elevator and down the hall to the girl's apartment. Lightly knocking on the door as he opened it, letting himself in.

"Hey," he sent the girl a small smile.

"hey," Adalyn glanced over at the door while turning off her phone and placing it screen down beside her on the kitchen island. "What's the bag for?"

"Clothes for tomorrow so I don't have to go home first," he received a singular nod as he placed the bag down on the floor and walked over closer to her. "What are up to?"

"Waiting for you so we can eat dinner," she nodded her head towards the oven in front of her before getting off the island and putting on the oven gloves. "Like we had agreed on."

"mhm. The plates are in here right?" he asked while he opened the closest cabinet above the stove top, as she hum in response.

And as they soon dished their dinner, placing the leftovers back in the oven to keep warm, the two made their way over to dinning table with a glass of an alcoholic beverage of their choice each.

Beginning to eat their food, they let the comfortable silence sink in as they glanced up at the other a few times, exchanging a soft smile while they kept eye contact for a short couple seconds.

"Hey Jack.."

He swallowed his bite of food, while looking up at the girl and giving her a small nod as a little sign of acknowledgment so she knew he was listening, "yes?"

"I just had a thought.." Adalyn replied while grabbing her glass and taking a sip of her vodka mixed drink, the boy watching her closely as she done so. "You brought clothes over so you didn't have to go to your place in the morning, right?"

"Correct.." he hesitantly gave her another small nod, picking up some more food with his fork while still keeping his eyes on her. "We're going to Jonah's tomorrow so it'll just save time driving to mine then almost back here to his."

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