023 | sort of a date

412 17 22

A movie played on the TV for Eliana as Adalyn cooked dinner for them all while still waiting for Lucas to arrive. And since it was already after the time he said he'd be there, Adalyn was getting annoyed because she didn't want her niece to stay up to late after her usual bed time.

After putting the food in the oven to keep it warm while waiting for the boy to finally arrive, she looked at the time on her phone and let out a sigh as she picked up. Finding Lucas' contact and calling him.

"Hey Adalyn," he answered.

"Lucas, you know I have to look after Ellie and I can't just do this shit on your time. Like I can't be fucking feeding her an hour after her usual dinner time because that's when you decide to show up for dinner. Why can you understand that every time but the one when we actually have plans?"

"It's been thirty minutes Adalyn, it's not that big of a deal. And I literally just pulled up in the parking garage, I'll be there in five minutes," he replied seeming unbothered by her. "You could've just made dinner without me."

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes as she hung up the call without saying anything else.

Lightly chucking her phone down on the kitchen island. Adalyn let out a huff as she leant over, placing her elbows on the counter and head in her hands. Being annoyed at him for what seems to be the first time ever.

"Addie," Eliana tugged on the both of her aunt's dress. Adalyn lifted her head up and looked at the little one with a smile.

"Yes, princess?" she picked her up, wrapping her arms around the little girl.

"I'm hungry," she slightly frowned in response.

"Okay, dinner will be ready soon. But for now you sit here," Adalyn placed her on the counter, turning around and looking in the fridge for a simple snack. "Do you want berries?"

"mhm," she nodded as the older girl faced her, opening the packet and letting her grab some. "And where Lucas?"

"He'll be here soon," she said while pushing her niece's hair out of her face. A knock on the door shortly after, "See you told. You wait there don't make a mess princess."

"Addie," she quietly spoke, reaching her arms out for her.

"Okay, put these down," she grabbed the raspberries from her and placed them down on the counter. Then picking Eliana up and bringing her over to the door.

"Happy birthday," Adalyn sort of forced a smile at the boy in front of her after opening the door.

"Happy birthday!" Eliana repeated, actually happy about it as she was handed over to him, since she was signalling that that's what she wanted. "And we got cake!"

"Do we?" he smiled at the little girl who was now in his arms. Shutting the door and following Adalyn over to the kitchen.

"mhm, we made it yesterday with Jack," she nodded in response.

"Jack?" he slightly furrowed looking at her then at his friend, watching her as she grabbed the food out of the oven. "What's this about Jack?"

"He just came over to talk that's all," she softly shrugged. "Where have you been?"

"I ended up going out with someone.. I guess it was sort of a date.."

"We're talking about this later," she simply replied after noticing her niece starting to get fussy in the boys arms. "Go watch that show and play with her or something."

"Okay," he agreed, taking the little one back over to the living room while Adalyn finish getting their dinner plates ready.

Placing the plates over on the dinning table with fork and knifes, and putting the little bit of extra food back in the oven which was now turned off. Grabbing her phone and going to the table herself as she called the other two over.

Adalyn had Eliana sitting on her lap since the little on didn't want to sit in a seat alone today, while Lucas was sat across from them. Sharing small talk as they ate — avoiding the topic of the boy's date.

"You'll be a good mom," Lucas mentioned, which she had then glared at him for saying.

"Lucas, you're actually annoying me so much today," she huffed looking back at her niece as she watched her grabbed the last of her food.

He sat there confused for a second, "oh.. I forgot about all that."


"I mean we always have that deal.." he added in attempts to slightly lighten the mood up a bit.

"I guess," she softly sigh, picking up some of her own food on her fork and then eating it.

"Allllll done," Eliana smiled at her aunt, receiving one back from her. "Cake time?"

"Princess, once aunty and Lucas finish eating then we can.. okay?" she explained and then watching the little one agree.

       After singing the boy 'happy birthday' then eating some cake and hanging out for a little bit longer, Adalyn had taken Eliana to go have a bath and then put her to bed while Lucas was out in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes for her.

"Okay, I finally got her to sleep," Adalyn let out a small sigh as she came over to where Lucas was in the kitchen.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and her's went around his neck as she stood on her tippy toes and looked up at him. And it only took a couple seconds till he gently lifted her up on the kitchen island so she was no longer having to reach to hug him.

"Happy birthday," she smiled at him while they both kept their arms around each other.

"Thank you beautiful," he whispered in response and then softly kissing her lips which she was quick to pull away from.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" she furrowed as she took her arms off him and took his off of herself, but keeping ahold of his hands. "I thought you said you went on a date today?"

"mh I did, but I never said I enjoyed it," he shrugged. "But either way, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you."

"that's okay," she mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "I kinda miss being kissed anyway.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


almost had to rewrite half this chapter
thankful wattpad has their restore feature🙌

also.. adalyn and lucas.. how we feeling?

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