040 | i'll talk to him soon

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jack (addie's bf)
[ 3:21pm ]

hey jack have you heard from
addie the past couple days?

no.. i haven't spoke to her since
after halloween so like a week

didn't you go out with her the
other night?

yeah jonah and i took her home
but i haven't heard from her since,
she's not answering my texts

well we got into a fight morning
after halloween and so i haven't
gone out of my way to text her so

after the other night i'm aware..

what do you mean by that?

she mentioned it dw

do you have a key to her place
still? i might go by and check on
her since yk it's been like four
days pm

no her work friend lucas took
it like a month ago idk who has
it now cause i don't think they
even talk anymore

okay i'll go see if lucas is at
work and if he has it


can you just lmk if she's okay

yeah i'll text you :)



Arriving at Tuscan's Grill, Valentina waited a few moments in her car as she finished texting her co-worker before making her way inside the restaurant. Giving the girl at the front a small smile as she entered inside.

"Good afternoon," the waitress returned the smile. "How many I help you? Was it just a table for one today?"

"No um actually.." Valentina shook her head, trying to find the right words to ask, "is Lucas here today? I would just like to speak to him for a few seconds."

She glanced down at the time on the table then back up at the other girl, "He should be, give me one moment please."

And with that she made her way over to the bar, asking one of the bartenders to just keep an eye on Valentina, then making her way into the back room where she found the boy finishing up his lunch.

"Hey Lucas," she watched the boy as softly spoke, "there's a girl here to see you."

"A girl?" he furrowed, receiving a small slowly nod. "oh okay.."

The two made their way back out to the front of the restaurant, Lucas giving Valentina a smile almost right a way as they made eye contact.

"Hey Val, how are you?"

"Hey Lucas," she replied. "I don't have time to stand around and talk today but do you have Adalyn's apartment key? Jack said he gave it to you."

"um.. I might have it on me I'd have to go check. Why what's up with her? Not answering her phone again?"

"mhm," Valentina nodded. "She got really drunk the other night when we went out and I now haven't heard from her for.. four days so I thought I might just go check on her before I go to work."

"Give me five minutes Jada, then you can go on break," Lucas spoke to his co-worker, then turning back to Valentina, "Let me go grab my keys."

As Valentina made small talk with the waitress, the boy made his way out the back to where he previously was, grabbing his set of keys and searching through them as he made his way back out the front.

"Here you go," he handed the keys over after thanking them off of his small collection. "Will you tell her I'm sorry for everything, that I still wanna be friends with her."

"Yeah sure," Valentina shrugged. "Thank you."

She soon left the restaurant and started the short drive to her friend's apartment. And since she only had about an hour till work, she knew she couldn't spend too long with Adalyn but also wanted to be there for her.

Pulling up in the building's parking lot and parking beside her friend's car in the girl's extra spot, then heading up the elevator to Adalyn's apartment. Knocking on the door and waiting a few seconds before letting herself in.

"Adalyn.. it's Val.." she called out as she made her way through the apartment, heading down the hall to the main bedroom.

The bedroom door was shut and after knocking on it, Valentina received a small hum from the girl inside, "Could I come in?"


Valentina gave her friend a small smile as she made her way over the bed, taking a seat on the edge beside the girl, "Are you okay?"

"could be better.." Adalyn pulled the covers over herself some more.

"Could you please not go this long again without telling anyone that you're alive and okay," she replied, "You worried me."

"If you went on my Netflix profile you would've seen I was watching stuff," she mumbled.

"I don't think about looking at that sorta stuff, Addie," she let out a small giggle to lighten the mood.

"I just don't want to talk to people, that's all.."

"..I was talking with Jack earlier, and although he said he hasn't made an effort to talk to you, he still wanted me to let him know you're okay.."

"he doesn't want to talk to me though," she muttered.

"Jonah and I didn't tell him about the other night, just so you know," Valentina mentioned. "That's something you should probably do yourself."

"I'll talk to him soon, just not today."

"Okay," she softly nodded. "Have you eaten much today?"

"I'm not hungry," she shook her head. "I like just woke up a couple hours ago."

"Okay.. well I've gotta go to work but if you'd like me to come back here and make you food, stay the night, whatever you need just message me."

"I'll be fine. Go spend time with your boyfriend after work."

"But message me if you need anything," she repeated as she stood up from the bed, keeping her eyes on her friend.

"I will.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


quick filler chapter. but anyway this is why
i brought this book back cause i just wanna
write it clearly

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