020 | tell you about everything

418 16 3

"Hey," Adalyn gave the boy she opened the door to a smile as he said a simple 'hey' in return, also with a smile. "Come in.."

"How have you been?" Jack asked, shutting the door behind himself and then following her into the living room.

"I've been good. Just been looking after Ellie, you already know that though," she took a seat on the lounge, "How did your music making go?"

"It was good," he softly nodded.

She picked at her lips as she watched the boy stand in front of the lounge, there being a little bit of tension and awkwardness between the two.

"Do you wanna sit?" she pointed at the lounge, not to far from where she was but enough to be considered a friendly distance, "Then I'll tell you about everything."

"okay.." he sat down closer then she expected, as she pulling her leg up onto the lounge so she could face him while he turned to look at her.

"Do you want me to start with my family or exes?" she asked, receiving a shrug from the boy.

"It's up to you.."

"mhh" she hummed while she thought about what would be easier to talk about, followed by a soft sigh, "fuck."

"You don't have to say everything," he clarified as she nodded. "I don't have to know about your family, that's not that important right now. I kinda just wanna know what happened with your exes to make you not want a relationship.."

"okay.. so," yet another sigh escaped her mouth. "Harvey, the only guy I've ever properly dated, we started dating in high school, like seventeen-ish. Also thinking about it now.. because he's a year older than me, he pressured me into a lot of shit that I just looked right because I was in love with him."

"Anyway both our parents have money so after finishing school we didn't even consider college, didn't get jobs, just because we didn't need to. We would go to parties like every night. We quite literally spent ninety-nine percent of our time together. And everything was perfect between us."

"Then," she took in a deep breath and releasing as Jack continued to listen to her talk, not wanting to disrupt. "Our parent- after I turned twenty, our parents told us to do something with our lives.."

"And instead of deciding on somewhere to vacation or something like what normal twenty, twenty-one year olds would do.. our dumbasses were like let's have a kid."

"We actually talked about it for a couple months, and decided it was something we wanted- don't know why, with the shit we were doing but," she shrugged. "Then every test I took over two months came back negative."

Adalyn sniffled as she wiped away the few tears forming in her eyes. He moved in a little closer and grabbed one of her hands, both sharing a small comforting smile with each other.

"Clearly that shit makes me sad," she added with a small laugh, trying to ease the tears forming. "Anyway I was sad then as well and it was frustrating for him and I. And instead of being the boyfriend I though he was, he went and cheated on me.."

"Then he called me by her name. Which when you called me Ashley, I wasn't mad because you might have been hooking up with her.. it just brought back all that shit I didn't want to think about. And because I didn't want to explain all that, it was just easier to put the blame on something else."

"So before I knew he cheated, I had a doctors appointment where I found out that I'm probably infertile and I just didn't even bother telling him that at that time because I knew it wouldn't have went down well. Then I found out about all that and now I'm glad I never told him."

"Then when I had a check up appointment in May- June? Whenever we had the kids. I wasn't going to go to it but if I didn't I would have been blacklisted because I didn't show up to the four before it. I don't know why I didn't just cancel them all."

"Anyway, that's where Eliana got the idea that I was pregnant from. And then when you brought it up I would try to brush it off because I just physically can't be," she wipe away more tears that were falling from her eyes while she took a break from explaining things.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered, letting go of her hand and slightly holding his arms out for her as a sign of wanting to give her a hug. Adalyn gave him the smallest smile then laying her head in his chest and his arms wrapping around her.

"You don't have to be sorry.."

The two kept sitting there hugging for a little longer before she had lifted her head back up and he unwrapped his arms as they made eyes contact. "Also you treated me way better then ever other guy I've met, but I was just so oblivious," she added.

"Anyway back to Harvey.. um when we broke up, I just didn't want to commit to anyone else because I was scared to go through anything like that again. Cause like I didn't know what to do if I ended up dating a guy then he later wants a kid."

"Like I can't even bring myself to tell my family or friends- I've only ever told one person before now. And instead I just tell everyone I don't want kids," she continued. "Also like that's why I'm so okay with the fact you already have a kid, it took off a little bit of that pressure."

"It sounds like you've been through a lot," Jack spoke up, watching her softly nod and sniffle a little as her eyes slowly stopped watering up so much.

"If you think that's a lot wait till you hear what Carter put me through.." a sigh escaped her mouth.

"You don't have to explain that today if you don't want to, I think you've explained enough for the moment,"  he responded.

"..would you like to stay over?"

He heisted for a few seconds, tapping on his phone screen to check the date and then looked back at her, "I've got things to do tomorrow but I can message you or you can message me and we can work out another day we can hang out."

"I just don't want to move things too quickly by like staying over or whatever," he continued. "I do want to spend time with you don't get me wrong, but you know what you done and I don't want to blindly get back into things with you."

She nodded, "I understand.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


for everyone who reads my other books
as well.. sorry not sorry for only updating this
one recently i just have no inspo for others
right now😃

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