043 | best night of my life

311 13 2


the superior five

i just woke up and jack's still busy
so do you all wanna hang out since
it's been awhile since i've seen you

omg yes come over i'm literally
doing nothing right now

well i'm procrastinating cleaning
my room so yes please come over

baby's parents are about to get
home so i'll be coming home soon

okay so your place is fine?
like if i leave in the next few

yeah yeah come

i'm busy sorry

okay brooke

i free rn as well, just finished
cleaning my apartment

ah yes come over and clean my
room tyyy🙌

i'm joking but do come over to

if you girls are coming over ours
i might see what steph's up to and
invite her over if she's free


do you want me to pick you up

sure msg me when your out the

i don't know where you live..

oh i'll text you the address but it's
literally around the corner from you

okay okay i'll see you soon


"I have so much to talk about today," Adalyn mentioned to Valentina as they drove away from the girl's apartment complex.

"I'm glad you're doing better today," she returned a smile.

"I wasn't like depressed or anything," she brushed it off with a small almost inaudible scoff. "I just didn't want to talk to people. Having alone time is okay, it's not concerning or anything."


As they continued the short drive to their friends' house, Adalyn switched the topic over to Valentina so she wouldn't have to talk about the past week anymore — talking about her work and how things are going with Jonah.

And once they arrived the two got out and went over to ring the doorbell, soon being let in by Brooklyn, sharing simple greeting and friendly talk as they followed her into the living room.

"Adalyn, Val- you've met Steph before haven't you Val?" Naomi received a nod from the slightly elder girl. "Adalyn, this is my girlfriend Stephanie."

"Hey. But Naomi, I know, we've met," Adalyn reminded her. "When you two looked after Ells for me while I went out with Val."

"Oh yeah, I forgot that happened," she replied.

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