053 | thanks for tonight

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The girls had been sat there in Adalyn's car out the front of Daniel's house for almost ten minutes now, waiting for Jonah and Jack to finish up with their writing session before their double date.

The first few minutes were find, having a conversation and catching up since it had been a few day since they had seen each other, whilst Adalyn was playing music through the aux.

"I don't need lovin', late night cuffin'. Take it all off, you naughty. Put it back on and pause it- Oh my god how long does it take them," Adalyn interrupted herself from singing while she groaned.

"I'm sure they'll only be a moment, stop stressing," Valentina politely spoke.

As their conversation died down, going back to listening to the music while quietly singing along, Adalyn was sending Jack numerous messages asking when they'll be out.

And after a few minutes one of the boys made their way out of the house, sharing a smile with Valentina as she was the first to notice him.

Adalyn turned to head to look at her friend as she heard her undo the seatbelt, softly furrowed before she saw the boy as well, "about time.. Don't move, they can sit in the back."

"Am I not allowed to hug my boyfriend either?" Valentina said with a small laugh as she continued to get out of the car. "I'll still sit in the front."

"Where's Avery?" Adalyn raised a brow.

"He's just gone to the bathroom, he'll be out in a sec," Jonah explained while wrapping his arms around his girlfriend, then turning his attention to her as the other went back to her phone.

"Addie's kinda in a mood today.." Valentina whispered to her boyfriend, "she was kinda down the other day as well.. so I'm sorry about her today.."

"it's okay, I don't mind.. Jack did mentioned the other day that she's going through some stuff so maybe that," he copied her soft, quiet tone.

The couple got into the car shortly after — Valentina sitting in the front passenger seat once again per Adalyn's request. Jack had soon left his friend's house, joining the group at the car.

"Sitting in the back, am I?" he asked Valentina who had her window rolled down.


Opening the door on the same side as Jonah moved over to save the boy having to walk around to the other side of the car. Adalyn looked over her shoulder, receiving a kiss from Jack before he had sat down properly and shut the car door.

"How are you miss impatient?" he said while putting his seatbelt on, looking back at the girl with a small smile.

"We should have left you two to find your own way there," she playfully shook her head as she turned back to the steering wheel, changing the gear out of park.

"Where are we even going?" Jonah questioned as they begun to drive away from their friend's house. "I don't think I ever got told.."

"This girl I worked at Tuscan's with, she and her friend opened this small restaurant just last week on the outskirts of LA- the other side of LA so it's a bit of a drive but anyway I just wanna go support them cause she's like the only one I really got along with there," Adalyn babbled.

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