029 | one of my favorite things

445 18 3

"Addie, look look," Eliana held up the paper for her aunt to see the drawing that she'd been working on for at least ten minutes now.

"You're so talented, princess," she smiled, resting her elbow on the table and rest her head on her hand as she looked at the little girl.

"And Jack," she turned the paper so the boy on the lounge could see. Jack sat up, turned his phone off and looked at the drawing, also giving the girl a smile.

"That's a really colorful piece," Jack mentioned.

"mhm" Eliana hummed, putting the paper back down and picking a crayon back up to add some more to her work.

Jack got up and crouched behind Adalyn, loosely wrapping his arms around her neck which had caused her to look over her shoulder at him — or at least attempt to.

"Were you going to go home?" she softly questioned.

He shook his head, "could I stay the night tonight?"

"Of course.." she said while she turned her attention back to her niece as Jack stayed somewhat hugging her, resting his head against her's. "It's almost princess's bedtime anyway."

"watching you with kids is one of my favorite things," he whispered in Adalyn's ear.

A small smile appeared on her face but didn't take long to fade away. "Princess," she called out, using her hand to signal to the girl to join them.

Eliana happily dropped her crayon and went over to hug her aunt. Jack's arms moved from around Adalyn's neck to on top of her arms which were around the little girl. Both enjoying the little "family" moment.

"Okay, Ells it's bath time," Adalyn placed a kiss on the top of Eliana's head. Slightly turning her head to look over her shoulder at the boy once again, "and you Mr. Avery, you need to get off of me."

"Five more seconds," Jack playfully complained.

"one, two, three, four, five," she jokingly counted out loud to him. "Okay now let me go bath this princess and I'll meet you in my room, clothes optional- I'm joking and I'm also going to use the bathroom in there so maybe- I'm just going to stop talking."

"Okay I'll get up now, and forget everything you just said," he said with a small laugh while unwrapping his arms from around her and standing up. "or not, I'll decide later."

She tilted her head back to looking at him, a small smirk on her face, "horny are ya?"

"There's a child in front of you," he raised a brow, looking between the two girls.

She shook her head at him, standing up and then picking up her niece. Looking at Jack with a slight uncontrollable smile on her face, "you're honestly making me feel some type of way tonight.."

       After putting her niece to sleep, Adalyn made her way into her bedroom where Jack was laying in the bed on his phone. She got changed quickly and then joining him.

"I see you've taken the optional clothes option," she teased him, laying her head down on the pillow facing him.

"And you didn't?" he raised a brow, mentioning her borderline lingerie top she had put on with a pair of comfortable shorts. "Couldn't even put a shirt on."

"Shut up because you're making me want to kiss you."

"What if I do anyway?" he lifted her chin up with his thumb and attaching his lips onto her's, not even giving her the opportunity to agree with it.

"ohh fuck," she mumbled letting out a small laugh after pulling away from him, followed by her bitting down on her lip as she looked away from him.

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