060 | got my love back

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The couple days following his daughter going back to her mother's, the pair spent the whole time in her apartment getting even closer with each other, talking and rambling about anything that came to mind, and just spending time together in a way they hadn't the first time around.

After waking up on new years eve around midday but then continuing to stay in bed for almost two more hours before deciding to have something to eat and get ready for their evening out with friends.

Adalyn was wearing her favorite sparkly dress for the occasion, happy to be going into the new year in a relationship — comparably better to the previous year where she attended a party with her friends but ended up with multiple different guy as the night went on.

The couple walked into the party with their hands intertwined, a smile on both of their faces as they quickly stopped by the drinks table, Jack kept his eyes on her almost the whole time while they waited for the people in front to finish pouring their own drinks.

"You gonna drink tonight?" he asked the girl, watching her hesitate with her response. "One won't hurt. It's new years eve, celebrate it."

"You're a bad influence," she replied, stepping forward as the others moved away from the table and grabbing a cup for herself.

"You were already going to, don't lie," he softly laughed while pouring a drink and Adalyn doing the same.

"You right, I was," she turned to face him, a smile on her face as she held her now full cup up to her lips and taking a small sip. "But! you're still a bad influence for saying I should."

"It keeps you fun," he joked.

"Well guess what Mr. Avery," she lent in closer to him. "you're only fun when your dick's out," she whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek before flashing him a grin and walking away.

He shook his head at her comment as he let out another laugh then turning around and following her over to their small group of friends, exchange greeting with them as he stopped beside his girlfriend, slightly wrapping his arm around her.

"Dude, you got lipstick on your cheek," Daniel pointed out.

"Who'd ya get that from?" Adalyn quickly turned to look at him, raising a brow while trying to hold back a giggle as she watched him wipe his cheek.

"You, who else would it be from," Jack playfully rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure about that babe, I heard that my ex-friend's here tonight," she replied. "You know.. the one you fucked."


"Shut up!" Adalyn interrupted Daniel's apology for bringing it up as she turned to look at the boy. "I'm joking with him, I'd never let anyone steal my boyfriend."

"You're doing the thing again.." Valentina added, speaking a bit quieter then the rest while eyeing the girl beside her.

"I'm allowed to do the thing," she muttered to her friend.

"you two..?" she mouthed, glancing at the boy who was deep in conversation with his own friends, then back at Adalyn as she slowly nodded, her lips pressed together. "woww, okay, go off I guess. It's about time."

LOVE BACK; jra ✓Where stories live. Discover now