048 | who fucking cares

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"Hey, hey," Adalyn said, staring at herself on her phone screen which was propped up against the a cup on kitchen counter in front of her as she went live on Instagram out of boredom. "I've literally never done one of these before so bare with me."

"It says there's people on here and people joining but no one's commenting.." she furrowed, awkwardly scratching the back on her neck confused on what to do. "um.. maybe this was a bad idea.. I don't even know how this shit works."

"Anyway, I'm making dinner.. and I had no one to talk to but apparently no one on here wants to talk to me either- Valentina," she cut herself off as her friend commented, "One friend, yes! Why can you comment but no one else?"

"Val, come on here with me," Adalyn mentioned, pressing a few buttons on her screen as she guested her friend. "I hope that's the right way to guest someone."

"Heyy," Valentina smiled as her end of the livestream connected. "Why didn't you just facetime me? I would've talked to you."

"I thought this way people could give me something to talk about," she replied. "But apparently not.."

"I was able to comment, I don't know why everyone else can't," the other responded, just as confused.

"Alright, everyone watching I don't care who you are but if you're able to comment say like 'hey' or something, I don't know, I don't care," she suggested.

"See other people can comment," Adalyn continued as one person commented on the livestream. "What about the other two hundred on here-"

"Ohh the boyfriend just messaged, he said your comments are turned off cause they are on your posts as well," Valentina interrupted. "So he can comment but he friend can't cause you don't follow him."

"Ew they're watching," she fake gagged. "Can I fix that in here or do I have to get off for that."

"Girl I don't know, I've never turned off my comments and turned them back on while on live," she laughed.

"There we go," Adalyn dragged her words out slightly as everyone started commenting. "I fixed it- you're like an old person trying to figure out technology, what the fuck, sorry I have a life and haven't been live on Instagram before. This is why I fucking kept my comments turned off."

"Literally everyone's asking you the same question.." Valentina awkwardly mentioned.

"I have a thing with a guy, sure... But I don't know everyone's assuming I'm back with Jack as if he's the only guy that exists, there's millions of other guys in the world," Adalyn somewhat strategically answered.

"I don't understand why everyone thinks your relationship is their business," the other added. "Let Addie live her life with whoever she's with now, ever been with."

"That's my best friend everyone!"

"How are you feeling by the way, Addie? I haven't talked to you for a couple days," Valentina asked. "Still sick or you better now?"

"I feel fine, it was just that day," she replied. "I know I blamed you know who's girlfriend but I genuinely think I had food poisoning not from that but from the night before cause I was being lazy and got uber eats and I'm pretty sure the chicken was raw."

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