051 | i love you..

271 14 3

"do you have to go?" Adalyn mumbled, glancing up at the boy which had his arms wrapped around her while they were laying in bed. "I don't want you to leave.."

"I don't have to go, no," Jack softly shook his head. "I was suppose to be there like an hour ago, but I already told the boys yesterday that I probably won't go today. Are you feeling any better today, or still in a lot of pain?"

"I'm still in pain.. but I think I'm more distracted by why I'm in pain.." she replied. "I just want to cry. And I feel disgusting cause apparently I shouldn't use a tampon while everything's happening, it's bullshit."

"I don't think you're disgusting," he ran his fingers through the front strands of her hair as he slightly tightened his grip around her, pulling her in a little closer. "Your body's just having a clean out, it's not unnatural."

"I wish it would've happen in like eight month instead.." she sniffled.

"I'm sorry.." he matched her soft, quiet tone.

"you're probably glad it happened-"

"No, don't say that," he interrupted her. "I'd never wish a miscarriage upon anyone. I know that having your own child is something that you want.. and I want that for you."

"you don't want another kid though," she kept her gaze away from him, drawing small circles on his chest with her finger.

"I never said that either," he shook his head. "I haven't thought much about wanting another kid right now because it's already a lot with one. But I've told you before if it happens I don't mind."

"You'll be an amazing mother, Adalyn, I know it," he continued after a few seconds. "Just maybe right now isn't the right time.. After all I'm not going to be around LA much next year with tour and everything, and I won't be able to be here with you."


"There's less then a month left this year, let's just focus on us.. And then in the new year we can talk about everything. That gives us both some time to think about it," he suggested. "I love you.. I really do.."

"I love you too.." she mumbled, looking up at him. He attached his lips onto her's for a quick couple seconds before pulling away again.

"And I'll always love our little angel, even if we didn't know about them for long. I'm not trying to brush it off at all, I just don't think you're in the right headspace right now to talk about it all and fully process it. I mean I haven't.. I'm still trying to comprehend it, but that's okay cause it's a lot especially since we only found out yesterday."

"I just wanna have a baby," she frowned.

"I know you do," he rubbed her back, placing a soft kiss on her head. ".. I don't know if this would help at all but I have Lavy in two weeks, so you'll be able to spend some time with her soon."

"For two weeks?" she furrowed, looking up at him again.

"no.." he shook his head. "unfortunately not. I'm going to go pick her up in two weeks from tomorrow, and then I'll have her for a week during Christmas and her Mom will come pick her up before new years. But I know she misses you."

"She does?"

"mhm- well last time I had her in July and August she was like where's Addie, I miss Addie," he said with a smile. "She loves you."

"Ellie's the same.. Jack, Jack, Jack," she said with a small laugh, "but she can't pronounce j's very well so it ends up like ack, it's cute, I miss her.."

"She is very cute," he agreed, a small hum as they fell into a state of comfortable silence for a few seconds. "Do you want to do anything today, maybe get out of bed considering it's one-pm?"

"I am kinda hungry.."

"Let's go make something then," he lightly ran his hand over her hair, placing a kiss on her lips as he unwrapped his arm from around her.

"I gotta go to the bathroom first," she muttered while sitting up, quickly excusing herself as she left the boy there.

Jack got up shortly after, walking over to her wardrobe and opening the drawer which she had cleared out almost a couple weeks ago so he could keep some of his own clothes at her place,
pulling out just something basic and getting dressed.

He took a seat on the edge of the bed, going on his phone to fill in time as he waited. And once the girl had came out of the bathroom, Jack glanced over at her every so often as she found herself something to wear over her upper body.

"Jack.." she looked at him while she pulled the hoodie over herself as she gained his full attention.

"Is that mine?" he furrowed.

"mhm, I stole it from you ages ago."

"Explains why I haven't been able to find it for months now," he chuckled. "What's up though?"

"Could we go out sometime soon?"

"For dinner?" he asked as she nodded in response, walking over to him. "Do you mean just the two of us?"

"No, with Val and her boyfriend," she explained, grabbing ahold of his hands. "There's a place I wanna go to, I'll plan it all, and I can pay, I just need to know when you boys and Val are free."

"If that's what you want to do then I'm sure you can work it out," he nodded. "You find out about Valentina and I'll talk to Jonah."

"thank you.." she gently pulling her hands away from his and moving her arms to around his neck as she lent down to hug him.

"of course.. anything for you.." he copied the tone, placing a soft kiss shoulder despite the fabric in the way as they continued to hug a little longer.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


wholesomeness 🫶

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