024 | friends don't kiss

417 19 2

Waking up the next morning, Adalyn got out of bed and quickly went to the bathroom before leaving Lucas asleep in her room and going into Eliana's room, knowing she'd be awake by now.

"Good morning princess," she took a seat beside the little girl who was playing with her bear, and gave her a small smile.

"Can we see mama?" Eliana asked as she climbed onto her aunt's lap, looking up at her with begging eyes. "Please."

Adalyn wrapped her arms around her while thinking about the question. "Let me see if they're back," she strategically replied, not wanting her to know that they've been back in LA for a while now.

"I wanna see mama"

"I know you do.." she softly rubbed the girl's back. "Let me message her and if they not back home, maybe we can call her later."

Eliana stayed hugging while Adalyn was scrolling through her contacts trying to find her sister-in-law's phone number. And sent her a message, letting her know that her daughter wanted to talk with her.

"Hey princess.. your mom will call later, okay? After nap time maybe,"Adalyn explained as the little one lifted up her head and looked at her, nodding. "For now, would you like to go eat breakfast?"

"Lucas still here to play?" Eliana slightly tilted her head.

"mhm, he's still sleeping though."

"Will you come play?"

"Yes princess, I'll come play," she nodded, softly running her hand against Eliana's hair. "Do you want food first?"

"No thank you," she shook her head.

"Okay," Adalyn responded while getting up and carrying her niece out to the living room, where the rest of the girl's toys were.

Setting Eliana down and then taking a seat on the floor beside her, Adalyn watched over while she was playing with her toys and occasionally glancing down at her phone to make sure the notifications she was receiving weren't from anyone important.

And it didn't take long for the little one to change her mind about wanting breakfast, so Adalyn had gotten up and made her something.

The two girls were now sitting at the dinning table, eating their food as Eliana told her aunt about all things she would like to do with the day.

Once Lucas had finally made his way into the dinning area, Adalyn gave him a small wave but not anything vocal since the more she thought about his actions from the pervious day it made her realising that she was kind of annoyed at him.

As the day pasted by, Lucas had stayed to look after Eliana because he wanted to let Adalyn have some time to herself so she wasn't stressed about doing things while her niece was still awake.

"You can go home now," Adalyn said as she took a seat on the lounge beside him after putting Eliana down for her nap. "I'll be fine, promise."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Lucas.." she stood up, "I'll even walk you over to the door."

He followed her actions of standing up, before he had slightly held his arms out for her and she accepted the hug. Laying her head against his chest for a few seconds.

"Adalyn.." he whispered, getting her attention as she looked up at his face. "Make sure you text me if you need anything."

"I will.."

He leant his head down for a kiss, but she pulled away from the hug before he could even touch her lips. Adalyn let out a huff as she brought her hands up to her face and then ran her fringes through her hair.

"You need to stop this," she raised her voice but not too much since she didn't want to wake up Eliana. "Either we're friends or nothing, Lucas. And friends don't kiss."

"But you-"

"No!" she interrupted him. "I let it slide last night but I don't want to kiss you. If I really wanted something with you we would've hooked up more than once."

"And If I want thing to work out with Jack, I can't do this shit. I can't do whatever this is," she continued. "I said what I said, but that doesn't necessarily mean I want to kiss you."

"Okay well, I can't do this shit where you act like we're more then friends. Where you invite me to your family things so it looks like you have a boyfriend. Where we sleep in the same bed because that's what you want. I can't do it either."

"Then leave," she responded, although saying those two words hurt her and the small, barely notable crack in her voice showed that.

"Okay," he shrugged.

Adalyn stood there arms folded as she watched Lucas walk away from in front of her over to the kitchen, grabbing his keys and then walking out the door. Standing there she was emotionless, unsure on how to act about the events that had just unfolded.

But the sound of her phone ringing had snapped her out of her thoughts. Reaching down and grabbing it off the lounge, being quick to answer it and instantly changing her tone.

"Hey, I just put Eliana down for her nap like ten minutes ago," she glanced down the hallway as she said to her sister-in-law.

"oh.. that's okay," Emily responded. "Also thank you so much for looking after her, words will never be enough but I really appreciate it."

"I promise you it's fine, she's an angel," Adalyn took a seat back down on the lounge. "How are you and Xavier going?"

"We're doing heaps better. I'll happily take her back now, but Xavier still need another week. So I'll come pick her up or you could drop her off on twenty-fifth or even a couple days after. Just whichever day that week you'd like, just let us know beforehand."

"Yeah okay," she nodded. "Would you like me to call you later once Ellie's awake, she really wants to talk to you today."

"Yeah okay, I'll talk to you later."

"Talk later," she responded before hanging up the call.

Set her phone back down beside her, Adalyn brought her knees up to her chest and placed her head in her hands. Not knowing how she's going to cope with not only Willow being in London, but with Lucas leaving, her not talking to any of her friends and now Eliana going back home.

Which leaves her with practically no one..

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


a lot happened here..

oh also before anyone asks.. nothing
happened after their kiss in the last chapter
or in the bedroom that night. okayyyy

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