030 | my old habits

393 19 8

"I love you princess," Adalyn placed a kiss on her niece's forehead while embracing her in a hug. "I'll hopefully see you soon, okay?"

"I love you, bye," Eliana partly mumbled her response yet still not letting go of the other and neither did Adalyn.

"Okay, c'mon my little girl," Xavier spoke up after giving them a few more seconds while he held his arms out to pick up his daughter.

Holding Eliana on his side as she laid her head against his chest. Adalyn stood back up, giving her brother and sister-in-law a small smile.

"Once again Adalyn, thank you so much, we really appreciate it," Emily said.

"Of course, she's an angel to look after," she replied.

"Alright you can go boyfriend's now or go work your job or whatever you do in your free time," her brother waved her off.

"You're welcome for looking after daughter Xavier," she huffed while rolling her eyes. "And I might actually go hang out with my boyfriend.. singular."

Adalyn picked up her keys from the floor and left the house. Getting in her car but taking a few seconds for herself before starting it. She grabbed her phone and scrolled through her contacts to find Jack, calling him.

"Mr. Avery.."

"Yes, hello Adalyn"

"Could I please come over?" she slightly hesitated with her response. "I just dropped Eliana off and I sorta don't wanna go home be alone.."

"Yeah sure, why not," he let out a small, inaudible sigh. "Just message me when you get here and I'll come downstairs to let you in."

"okay," she agreed, starting to pick at her lips as a soft smile appeared on her face. "I'll see you soon."

"Do you remember where I live, or do I need to send you my address?" he questioned.

She took a few seconds to think about the area in which he lives, "no, I should be fine.."

"Okay, I'll see you soon"

"Bye," she replied then hanging up the call.

Adalyn connected her phone to the car's bluetooth, letting out a small sigh of relief that she could finally listen to music she likes instead of something for her niece.

And although the evening drive to Jack's place was quite relaxing, she was a little upset now that she had dropped Eliana home after caring for her for the past month.

"Fuck," she groaned as she let out a huff, rest her head back on the seat and closing her eyes.

Waiting a few seconds before picking up her phone, sending Jack a text and turning off the car and getting out, almost slamming the door as she done so. Making her way over to the front door at the same time Jack opened it.

"Hey," he kept his eyes on her as she didn't respond, just walked inside. He shut the door again and followed her back to his room. "Are you okay?"

"I'm so stressed. I wanna cry," she started to rambled, laying back on the boy's bed. "Also I might of just hit one of the cars out the front so just take my fucking credit card. And I want a kid but I can't fucking do anything right."

"okay.." he slowly nodded, trying to process everything she said. "that's a lot.. um.. you just left Eliana like thirty minutes ago, do you already miss her?"

"Yes, how don't you miss your daughter?" she questioned as she sat back up. "Like she's my niece, that I just dropped off and I miss her."

"I do, all the time actually," he took a seat on the bed, look at her. "But I also tend to not show it much because I would prefer to look forward to seeing her rather then be stuck on the idea of missing her.."

Jack let the room fall into silence a few seconds before speaking up again; "You know having a kid is a lot of commitment.."

"I can't anyway," she mumbled, followed by placing her head in her hands. "I just liked having her as my responsibility cause now I don't know what to do and I'm scared I'm fall back into my old habits."

"Also do you have chocolate? I kinda want chocolate," she added, looking at him again.

"um.. we might have some in the kitchen, I can go look," he responded as he stood up.

"Also does your sister or what's that other girl's name.. um Ashley, have tampons? I'm on my period," she pressed her lips together.

"make sense.." he muttered under his breath. "Ashley and Sydnie don't live here anymore and I don't really want to ask Ava or my Mom, so do you want to go the store, I'll drive."

"They moved out?"

He nodded, "yeah they both moved out not long after the other, maybe like two months ago."

"oh okay.." she laid back on the bed. "and can we go to the store in like twenty minutes, I just want to lay here for the moment."

"yeah okay.." he took a seat on the bed again. "Also Adalyn, about you falling back into your old habits.. you're only going to if you let yourself. What happened to this "self control" you were telling me about the other night?"

"Just because you're not looking after Eliana anymore, it doesn't mean you have to throw away everything you like worked for," he continued.

"I know.." she replied. "But I feel like I'm going to end up drunk at a party one night and hookup with some random guy. All because I don't have self control when I'm drinking."

"Well then don't drink."

She slightly narrowed eyes at the boy's suggestion, subtly rolling her eyes as she sat back up. "Let's go to the store now," she started picking at her lips.


[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


how are we half way already?!??

also i apologise for accidentally
publishing something for this book
earlier i was planning the book out
no talking about that :)

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