036 | all we do is fight..

419 19 8

Just like Jack thought would happen — since it always did when they were together the first the time around, he ended up going home with Adalyn. Yet this time they went back to her apartment instead of his house.

But since they both were still kind of mad at each other for different reasons, neither of them spoke to the other once they were awake. They both just minded their own business.

She had gotten up not long after waking up and headed out of her room to the living room where she had laid on the lounge on her phone. While Jack stayed in the girl's bed, also on his phone.

A bit of time had past, Jack had realised that she wasn't coming back to the bedroom so after letting out a small sigh he had gotten up and headed out to the living room.

"Hey Adalyn.." he softly spoke, awkwardly standing there as she glanced at him then back at her phone. "Can we talk or.. are you just gonna ignore me?"

"What do you want to talk about?" she slightly muttered in response, bringing her attention to him but her phone in her hand still turned on.

"Would you like me to be honest with you about what happened in the last three months?" he raised a brow while lightly folding his arms. "Then we can talk about the stuff from the other day.."

Adalyn looked at him confused as she tired to remember what happened the other day in which he was referring to, letting a few seconds past before she sat up and sitting with her legs crisscrossed on the lounge. Jack soon coming over and sitting beside her, but leaving a gap between them.

"Look, a couple days after everything happened, went down- whatever. I was at this party with a couple of the guys, I had drunk a bit more than I usually would. And Long story short, Lexi and I ended up in a room together.. The boys thought for the longest time that we only kissed, but openly tell you that it went further than that."

"And after that I just didn't go to a party, see any girls, anything like that again till like not even a month before we started talking again because I regretted it," he continued. "And that time I did go out was because the boys convinced me to go and I met this girl, we talked, she got my number but we haven't spoke since then because she never messaged me, I don't know her name."

"right.." Adalyn mumbled while slowly nodding. "And what about that other girl?"

"She's friends with Eva, Corbyn's girlfriend, and they sorta like set us up because he thought that I should get over you.. but that didn't help.." he replied. "And I promise you, Adalyn, other than them there's been no other girls that I've seen, talked to, been with, anything more than friends since meeting you."


The room fell silent for a few moments as neither knew what to say. Adalyn took a few breaths in and out while looking out her balcony doors, not wanting to look at the boy because she knew she couldn't get mad at him.

"What was the other thing you wanted to talk about?" she looked back over at him.

"Have you thought anymore about the whole wanting a kid situation?" he slightly blurted out after a bit of hesitation.

"Well.. yeah, on and off but I definitely do still want a kid," she nodded, furrowing a little. "Why, have you changed your mind?"

"Not really, but I did think about it for a bit the other night after talking with the boys.." he responded. "And after last night, I agree withwthat they said.. about how me agreeing to have a kid with you shouldn't be how you commit to me."

"I do want to commit to you, Jack, but I just find it hard.."

"I'll say this now, I'm willing to try at some point.." he mentioned. "But not right now because I do think this is something we would need to discuss more and it also doesn't seem like the best decision for me to make with everything else going on in my life."

"I can look after a kid myself.. no one has to know it's yours, you don't have to be involved.." she mumbled underneath her breath, "I just need someone who will give me time to do the things my doctor suggested."

"Adalyn, I know you want a kid, okay, I understand that. And if it happens it happens, but I don't want to try with you just for you to leave," Jack responded. "I really do like you Adalyn, I don't know how many times I need to tell you that for you to understand."

"I do understand that Jack. And I do want thing between us to work," she slightly argue with him. "And if you having this idea that I can't commit to you has to do with me talking to that guy last night, nothing happened and I wasn't planning for anything to happen, I just wanted to fuck around for a bit."

"I know you didn't do anything with him because I was there watching. But it's the fact that you knew I was going to be there and you still didn't come to see me till you were drunk and wanting to go home."

She let out a heavy sigh as she tilted her head onto the top of the lounge. "I don't even know why I bothered to make effort for you if all we do is fight.." she groaned.

"I don't either. And I give up. I'm willing to do something for you yet you don't even try to listen to where I'm coming from," he rolled his eyes as he stood up. "I'm leaving, bye.."

"whatever," she mutter, not even bothering to look at the boy as he walked over towards the apartment door, leaving.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


... um yeah

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