037 | an endless circle

393 17 3



hey willow are you awake
and do you have time to

hey adalyn yeah it's only 9pm
what would do you like to talk

do you want to call or just talk
over text?

um idc it's up to you

what's it about?


we keep getting into fights

can i ask over what?

idk just anything really

when was the last time you


what was that over?

we went to a party for halloween
and i was fking around w some
guy bc i was already mad at jack
and we were talking about how i
want a kid but he doesn't want to
try until i can prove that i can
commit to him

and i just want a kid because then
i will have a responsibility and
won't have this urge for boredom
to go to parties and flirt with guys
just bc i can like i do right now

could you call me?

yeah okay


"Hey," Willow answered the call.

"Hey," Adalyn responded as she laid back on her bed during the middle of the day, staring blankly at the ceiling out of boredom.

"So you and Jack are currently fighting over having a kid..?" she spoke with clear confusion in her tone. "Sorry could you please explain to me again what's going on."

"No, Jack and I are fighting for literally no reason. He thinks I can't commit to him. While I honestly just a kid, and he says he willing to try with me but that can't happen till I stop flirting with other guys. But the reason I flirt with others guys is because I'm mad at him. And then it just becomes an endless circle."

"And I also just want to have sex but I know I shouldn't do anything with other guys because I do want Jack and I to work out but I also can't have sex with him because we're always fucking fighting," she continued to babble. "And I just don't know what to do anymore."

"Honestly Adalyn.. if you are really fighting over nothing, I think you might have all this sexual frustration built up and it may just be the case that you need to have sex to release all this tension and then talk out any other problems that you still have with each other," she suggested.

"Okay, but it's the fact that I flirt with others guys that he doesn't like, although I've only done it once the other night," the other mentioned.

"Adalyn, I know you can commit to someone because I've seen you have a three year relationship before. And I also know that you don't need other guys because I've also seen you prove that.."

"I just don't understand why I can't do those things now when I have him, but I could when I didn't," she slightly groaned, pulling her feet up onto her bed as she bent her knees.

"Do you maybe think now you feel like in a way you dont need to prove yourself to him anymore, because you quote unquote have him?" the girl on the other end of the line politely responded.

"Well I mean, I never really had to prove myself to him.."

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't know cause I can really do anything and he'll still come back to me because he likes me or something."

"And is that why you still flirt with other guys when your out, because you know he'll come back to you?" Willow questioned.

"I don't know, I sorta guess so," she mumbled.

"Adalyn, I'm going to be honest and this might hurt your feelings a little but it needs to be said.." she received a small hum from the other girl. "You're not in the right mind set right now to be with him."

"Like you just said, he's likes you. And considering you've hurt him badly in the past and he still came back to you, shows that he really does," Willow continued as Adalyn stayed quiet. "And you can say you like him as well, but you flirting with other guys just because you're mad at him, isn't showing him that."

"If you want to be with him, you need to show that. And not just when you're hanging out with him alone, you need to show that when you're in public with or without him. And If someone's trying to get with you, you need to be the one to say sorry I'm seeing someone and not reciprocate that energy."


"I remember when you found out Harvey cheated on you and didn't want to see other guys after you had broken up because you didn't want to betray him... Where's that Adalyn now that you have a guy that's willing to love you?"

"I think you should plan a date with Jack, whether it's out, at home, or where ever. Don't go out to distract yourself with other guys instead of facing whatever problems you and Jack may have. Do something with him. Focus on just him, Adalyn."

"And what if we just keep fighting?" Adalyn furrowed as she completely pushed the idea of going on a date with Jack out of her mind.

"Then you just aren't meant to be together and you two should decide on that and come to that conclusion together," she explained. "You're twenty-one and Jack's what, the same age? you're both mature enough to talk through problems and not continue to them push aside."

"I- okay.." she went to stay something about not wanting to talk things out but decided not to because she knew Willow was right.

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?"


"Okay.. well text me if you ever need or want to talk," she replied. "And talk to Jack."

"Okay.. bye," Adalyn responded, letting out a small sigh.


[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i know i know this books supposed to be
on pause but i never actually explained it on
here so a lot of people probably don't know
lol anyway i felt like writing this book so
enjoy this little surprise :)

but now i can't update anymore till
lover (jonah&val spin off out now if you
didn't know!!) is caught up so then i can
have the chapters lined up and do like the
split chapters and stuff like i wanna do
yk 👍

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