038 | you're gonna regret this

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Despite Willow suggesting she doesn't go out to distract herself and forget the current problems she has with Jack by seeing other guys only a few hours early, Adalyn found herself sitting at her kitchen island while staring blankly at the stovetop across the room from her, bored out of her mind at not even seven-pm.

"fuck it," she muttered to herself, letting out a small sigh as she had she gotten up and then headed down the hall to her bedroom.

Grabbing out the first dress she found in her wardrobe and getting changed into it before making her want into her bathroom, propping her phone up to facetime her friend as she done her makeup and hair.

"Well hello Adalyn.." Valentina said while holding her phone up to her face as she sat on the lounge in her apartment with her boyfriend, the movie they were watching now on pause. "What's going on?"

"Do you wanna go out?" Adalyn asked turning to face her phone screen. "I'm bored."

She hesitantly glanced at Jonah as he shrugged, then looking back at her phone, "..where were you thinking about going?"

"Well it's a Tuesday and I don't know any parties that are on so maybe the club," she replied. "And you're clearly not at work so.."

"I am with Jonah right now though.."

"you're always with him," Adalyn groaned.

"one sec," she said before putting the call on mute and turning the phone away from her face as she looked at her boyfriend. "Do you wanna go out or stay here?" Valentina asked.

"I don't care, it's up to you," Jonah shrugged.

"I would prefer staying in but I also don't want her doing things she shouldn't and get taken advantage of, you know."

"Love, you're not her mom. And she's twenty-one, I'm sure she's capable to take care of herself," he responded as she let out a small hum. ".. But if you do wanna go, we'll go-"

"Please Val, I just wanna get drunk," Adalyn begged from the other end of the call. "I'll pay for your drinks and the uber and whatever else if you want."

"Would you come out as well if I went?" Valentina asked Jonah, completely ignoring her friend.

"Yeah, of course."

"Okay," she nodded, letting out a small sigh then unmuting the call, "Who else is going out?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet- Is Lexi home, ask her if she wants to come," Adalyn babbled.

"Adalyn.. I don't live with her anymore.. I moved out remember," she replied, flipping the camera around and showing the girl her apartment.

"Oh yeah right anyway, I can just be us going out I don't really care who comes, like I said I just wanna get drunk," she said as she finished the last few touches on her makeup. "So you wanna go out or not?"

"Okay, fine, we'll come," Valentina let out a small inaudible sigh. "But only for a few hours, a couple drinks, I'm not staying out all night with you Addie."

"That's fine by me," she grinned as she picked up her phone and held it in front of her face, "Once I'm drunk, made some friends, I don't care what you get up to or where you go."

"Okay.. well we'll meet you at your apartment soon, let me just get dressed up a bit, then we'll be there."

"Okayy," Adalyn replied before the call was hung up.

      After quickly getting ready for a night out Valentina and Jonah ubered to Adalyn's apartment, sending the girl a message once they arrived and waited downstairs for her to join them before the three started walking only a couple blocks to one of the girls favourite local clubs.

"Why do you always have to be around?" Adalyn groaned as she somewhat glanced over at Jonah, continuing to walk. "Let me have my friend back."

"Well I mean, you have my friend.. so I get your friend," he lightly swung his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder.

"You're free to have your friend at anytime," she shrugged. "I never said I wanted him-"

"Yes you did, don't lie to yourself, " Valentina playfully scoffed. "I don't know what's going on between you two right now but unless you're completely done with him don't ruin shit."

"And to be fair.." Jonah added, "I know he's not the most impressed with you at the moment after what you pulled the other night-"

"I didn't do anything with that guy," Adalyn interrupted him, knowing exactly what he was referring to. "I just wanna make out with someone and he doesn't want to so instead I guess I have to settle for other guys."



"Don't," she stopped in front of her friend once they arrived at the club.

"I'm gonna do what I want," Adalyn flashed the girl a smile as she walked past her, searching her purse for her ID then showing it to security guard and making her way into the club, ready for a drunken night.


tagged: valentinahayes Liked by JackAveryMusic and others

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tagged: valentinahayes
Liked by JackAveryMusic and others

AdalynBarlow we hawt or wateva

comments have been limited

ValentinaHayes wtf am i doing lmfao

ValentinaHayes but yea we are
| AdalynBarlow @valentinahayes tha
hottest out here

AdalynBarlow Nd the fact i still have allll my exess wrappd round my fingers shows it
| ValentinaHayes @adalynbarlow get off
your phone and go to sleep adalyn
| AdalynBarlow @valentinahayes no
| AdalynBarlow @valentinahayes just go
    be with the bf and let me talk my shit
| ValentinaHayes @adalynbarlow you're
gonna regret this in the morning..

november 3

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i took down lover lol so this is back😃

anyway i literally had to go back and read
the last like ten chapters to remind myself
what's happening over here since it's been
so long

i know people aren't gonna be happy i took
lover down but i literally have so many plans
and ideas for this book so i'm glad i made this
decision (also yes as you can kinda see in this chapter i will be including val and jonah into
the book a bit more to keep all the jonah
stans happy )

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