027 | was fun while it lasted

407 18 11

Jack let out a yawn as he reached over for his phone on the girl's bedside table, trying to not move his other arm that Grace was currently asleep on, too much.

He passed his phone over to his right hand since using it with one hand was easier in that one rather than the left, and placing his other arm around the girl.

After scrolling through social media for a few minutes and checking anything messages he missed, he read over the one he had just received before clicking on it.

Lifting his arm back off the girl, he started typing out his reply to Adalyn — letting her know that he couldn't go over today but could any time during the week since they weren't doing any work and music related things.

"Hey Jack," Grace softly spoke up and received a small hum from the boy as he turned his phone off. "Who's Adalyn.."

"reading over my messages.." he mumbled under his breath, not loud enough for her to hear. "um She's.. she's a friend of mine.. well sort of my ex," he responded to her question.

"Ex-friend?" she asked while she turned around to face him. "Because those text don't really seem like an ex situation.."

He took a deep breath in and let out a sigh, "We were together for like six months at the start of the year and things happened so we stopped seeing each other. But like we've been talking about it all recently, I'm just trying to understand her positioning. And to be honest I do still like her.."

"Okay," she nodded, giving a smile. "If you don't want things between us to happen anymore than that's okay."


"Yeah. I mean you just said you do still like her and you didn't really seem like the type to want something long term when Eva introduced us anyway. You were so like vague about what you wanted and everything really."

"Like this was fun while it lasted," she continued. "I don't mind that you don't want anything with me. I rather you say that and we both move on, instead of us wasting our time if we both know we want other people."

Jack slowly nodded his head as he sat up and thought about it all. "I'm glad you understand.." he softly replied as she followed his actions of sitting up shortly after.

"It's fine Jack," she said through a small laugh, trying to lighten up the mood. "We hung out for like three weeks it's not that big of a deal. Don't you think if we both wanted something more, we'll be putting more effort in.."

"Yeah I guess," he sighed out.

She was right. She didn't go to his show, he doesn't invite her around to his place, lately he's only been texting her if she did first which wasn't very often, and so many more situations which wouldn't be normal in a relationship.

The two being together was more sort of Jack rebounding off of Adalyn. And for Grace, she only wanted something which wouldn't last long so she was able to get what she wanted out of it and leave, which she could see happening with him.

"You're welcome to stay for breakfast and leave whenever," Grace mentioned, breaking the few seconds of silence they had.

"yeah okay," he softly nodded.

The two stayed sitting there in bed, both on their phones and not communicating much with each other. But it wasn't long until Grace had gotten up and went into her bathroom.

After finishing up in there, she then invited Jack out the kitchen since it was eleven-am already and because she did have plans for later in the day with her friends.

He took a seat at the dining room table,  keeping his eyes on her as she looked through the fridge for something to make them, all while they shared small talk in order to not make things awkward.

"So tell me this Adalyn girl.." Grace placed some food on counter beside the stovetop before turning around to face him. "And do you like bacon and eggs?"

"Yes and um.." Jack pressed his lips together hummed, slightly hesitating on his answer to the first question. "She.. she can be nice, at times, depending on her mood and how you meet."

"Has Eva met her?" she asked as she began cooking their breakfast.

"Yeah once," he nodded as he got up and went over to her so it was easier to talk. "It would've been the end of June when we all went out for dinner before her and I stopped seeing each other."

"But Eva probably wouldn't have the best opinions on her because I told Adalyn not to start drama with anyone and she took that as don't talk to anyone other than me and her friend."

"So she starts drama and stuff or what?" she looked over at the boy beside her. "Like is that why you two stopped seeing each other?"

"um she use to get jealous of me talking to other girls like as friends. I don't know, she just done a lot of things that I didn't agree with. And the tipping point really was her taking my underage friend out drinking and then them hooking up."


"But I'll be honest, don't really care about that anymore," he mentioned. "Especially now that he has a girlfriend and after talking with Adalyn, I can tell she has been working on herself and that she actually wants a proper relationship now."

"I just met her in a stage where she was like early-ish out of a long term relationship, not wanting anything, been hurt and scared trust. And just wanting sex all the time, and because I wasn't always around or wanting to so she would end up going to other guys and yeah.."

"So Adalyn and I hanging out lately has just been friendly, nothing more than her talking about why she didn't want a relationship and how she had been hurt by her ex, and like all that," he continued. "Oh and her friend had a go at me last night for seeing both of you at once."

"Fair. After all it's your life, your choice, I'm not going to be the one to tell you what to do with it," she responded giving him a smile. "Anyway breakfast is ready so let's eat while it's still hot."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


omg the service here was shit and then i connected to the wifi and it now works fine
so i'm happy i can still update books

also btw not that it's really important
anymore (kinda) but i added grace to the
cast list bc i might use her a bit more in
the book👀

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