045 | a thanksgiving thing

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"Who's going to be at this thing?" Adalyn let out a small sigh as she looked over at Jack as they drove them from her apartment to his friend's house. "Just your friends and my friends?"

"um my friends, yeah.. your friends," he slowly nodded, trying to remember who else had agreed to go. "Both Corbyn and Zach's girlfriends.. and maybe a couple of their friends, it was mentioned- I don't quite know."

"What about the other guy's girlfriend?"

"As in like a guy in my band? Daniel?" Jack glanced over quickly, watching her nod. "They broke up.. so he's single again but that doesn't give you the right to do anything-"

"I wasn't going to," she quickly shook her head, with a small scoff. "I was just asking questions, being polite. Why do you have to think so poorly of me all the time"

"Because you've done it before Adalyn, I can't fully forget about that happening.."

"Well I'm not going to do it again, I've learnt," she muttered, copying his tone as she folded her arms and sunk back into the seat.

The few minutes of the drive that they had left had stayed silent, not wanting to turn the argument into anything big before their friends-giving lunch. Both not wanting to be on bad terms since their friends have been told everything was going well, and they didn't want them to start questioning.

Arriving at Corbyn's house, Adalyn walked closely behind Jack as they welcomed themselves inside, him carrying a tray of pasta bake which she had made to contribute to the lunch.

"Hey," Adalyn sent her friend a smile as she took a seat beside her in the living room while Jack took the food over to the kitchen. "I'm glad you're here already."

"The other girls are here as well," Valentina replied. "Brooke's just gone to the bathroom and Naomi and Steph are in the kitchen helping out Jonah, Corbyn and his girlfriend.. Eva."

"And why aren't you with Jonah?" she furrowed.

"I got kicked out of the kitchen, apparently I'm too bossy."

"Who said that?" Adalyn flicked her head from her phone to the girl. "I'm gonna have a word with them."

"Eva," she said through a small laugh. "I literally just asked her if she could move over a bit so I could use the sink.. and then after she said that, I walked out so I wouldn't yell at her."

"I'll go yell at her for you," she responded while standing up.

"No, sit down," Valentina grabbed her hand, pulling her back to the lounge. "It literally doesn't matter."

"Alright," she sighed.

Adalyn's eyes trailed off to Zach as he entered into the house — him being the last of the group — with a girl attached to his side, nodding subtly to herself before exchanging a awkward smile with each other.

With some more time passing by, the group that were in the living room were called over to the kitchen to dish their own plates of lunch, then making their way over to the dinning room.

Jack sat at the end of the table with Adalyn beside him, and Valentina and Jonah on the other side of her. The girls friends across the table from them, while two of the other band members and girlfriends were at the other end of the table.

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