009 | song's not about her

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"Hey boys," Valentina said with a smile as she entered the living room, receiving one back from them all as she took a seat beside her boyfriend. "What are you up to today?"

"Just working some stuff out for Love Back," Jonah had explained to her as she nodded. "It comes out in a month so we have a lot to prepare."

"Can you tell Adalyn that the song's not about her," Jack blurted out, looking at Valentina. "And we started working on it before-"

"No, she'll like the attention she's getting from it. Did you see how much she was talking when everything happened," Corbyn interrupted.

Valentina slightly titled her head at the boy. "I agree that she likes attention," she said with a small nod. "But only when it's good. Like guys telling her she's hot and shit. She'd be hating everything going on."

"What do you mean she'd be hating.. do you not talk to her?" Jack spoke up, receiving a head shake from her.

"I haven't seen her since you two broke up," she responded. "Haven't talked either.. she just cut us all out. Did Jonah not tell you that?"

"No?" he slightly furrowed.

"We didn't want to stress you," he defended himself and why he hadn't told him sooner. "You kinda have better things to worry about than what she's doing."

"I saw her comment somewhere that she was deleting Instagram," Daniel mentioned. "I know we're past that topic but I just remembered.."

"I can see why. The amount of shit people are saying about her makes me scared to even post that I hang out with you guys, let alone dating one," Valentina rambled. "Like I have fans in mine and all the other girls do to, telling us that we shouldn't be friends with Adalyn because she's a "terrible" person."

"When in reality she's just trying to fix things. Like she never apologies and you got way more than just an "I'm sorry"," she continued. "All that talking she's done online, is just defending you guys. I never saw one comment where she was talking badly about you."

"So you don't talk to her.. like at all?" Jack questioned, feeling a little broken inside.

It wasn't hard to tell that the boy still liked her — the amount of questions he had, him wanting to make sure she was okay and knew things they were doing weren't about her — it was quite obvious.

"No.. I'm pretty sure she only talks to Lucas and Willow. And like we're not friends with them so.." she shrugged. "And I saw something about her moving to London soon, so I don't know how Adalyn's going to cope with that.."

"Who's Willow?" Jonah furrowed as he looked at the girl beside him.

"We use to all be friends with her in high school and then shit happened and now only Adalyn is- oh and she's a therapist, I should probably mention that."

"Well at least she's seeing someone for her problems," Corbyn shrugged.

"Why are you always make so many fucking comments about her, as if you were the one with her?" Jack slightly raised his voice. "You're the one who didn't care to tell her no or push her off when she was making out with you. And you have a girlfriend."

"Move on, do this, do that. You acting as if you want her," he continued to rant. "At least Zach has some respect to not say anything about her," he swung his hand in the direction of the boy who had been sitting there, quiet, the whole time. "I don't understand why if I choose get back with her, it's your problem."

"Because she's not good for yo-"

"For fuck sakes," Valentina groaned as she cut Corbyn off. "I literally just said one of the two people she's talking to is a fucking therapist. And no, I don't talk to her but I know her well enough to know she's clearly trying to work on herself."

"see she's not that bad for me," Jack mumbled under his breath.

"Her and Harvey dated for three years and yeah she was sad when they broke but that didn't stop her from hooking up with some random guy, the next fucking day," she added. "Yet they hooked up for like six months and now she's cut everyone out of her life because she clearly wants to change."

"Yeah she has a two people.. a therapist and a fuck buddy," Corbyn responded in a sarcastic tone, acting as if Valentina was stupid for not realising that.

"She kissed you once while drunk and then teased you that one time, which she said made you hard.. Besides the point, you're acting as if you know her," Valentina kept defending her friend, even if they don't talk. "Her and Lucas are friends."

"Well your friend's hoe, I know that much about her.."

"Do you think I'm a hoe?" she raised a brow at him.

"No," he shook his head. "You have a boyfriend. And you don't try to hookup with all his friends like she did."

"What if I told you.. that I do more than what Adalyn's done with you.. in one night, to multiple guys.." she asked, slowly getting more annoyed at him. "And get paid for it. While also having a boyfriend. Does that make me a hoe?"

"You're a sex worker?" Zach finally spoke up, sort of exclaiming his question — which was more of a statement.

"Yeah technically and I'm not hooking up with you," she glanced at the boy.

"I wasn't asking to," he huffed and slouched back on the lounge again, irritated that now everyone just going to assume he wants to hookup with anyone his friends show interest in. "I don't even wanna get with you. and we were drunk.." he slightly mumbling his words.

"That left you quiet didn't it," Valentina gave Corbyn a smug look. "mh so stop shamming Adalyn. Cause if boys are horny and hookup with multiple girls, it's fine. But no, when it's girls who are single and mad at their main guy and they do it, it's the fucking end of the world and they're instantly a terrible person."

"You have no reason to hate her. And If Jack's forgiven her, so should you," she added, looking down at her phone as she received a message. "Speaking of adalyn.. she just asked if I could come over. So I will be leaving now."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i think val is just me letting my anger out
towards corbyn cause i've made him have
this "move on. get her over" attitude that i
don't like and don't want him to have any
more lmao

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