031 | so fucking tempting

423 19 3

After going to the store the pervious night, the two ended up back at Adalyn's apartment instead of Jack's house since he was still unsure about telling his family he was seeing her again.

While Jack was still asleep beside her, Adalyn was laying there on her phone since her brain and body was still on the sleep schedule of having an almost three year old around.

Scrolling through Instagram as the time slowly pasted by while waiting for Jack to wake up. But opening up her notifications on that app wasn't the best decision after the first few sticking out to her being about how she's a 'horrible person'.

So instead of impulsively posting something that she knows she shouldn't, she turned her phone off and set it down beside herself and just laid there staring at the ceiling.

"Jack.." she groaned after laying there for a few minutes, kind of annoyed that he wasn't awake yet although it was still nine in the morning.

He didn't wake up, and Adalyn ended up turning around to face him and laying her head down partly on his body, closing her eyes in hopes to force herself back to sleep.

Over an hour had pasted, she didn't get back to sleep but just laying there with him was enough to not make that time go by slowly. While for Jack, he had woken up not long ago, lightly wrapping his arm around her and stayed laying there with her.

"Do you wanna do something today?" he softly whispered, slightly mumbling a few words. She shook her head. "oh okay.."

"I think I might hang out with my friends.." she explained while using the same tone he was and looking at him. "Well at least Val, I don't know what the rest of them are up to yet."

"Well seeing at least one of them is good," he gave her a small smile.

"mh.. I'm going to go have a shower," she grabbed his hand and took it off herself and then sitting up as she kept ahold of it. "You can do whatever you want and then we can go choose something for breakfast afterwards."

"Okay," he nodded.

Jack stayed laying their, watching Adalyn as she walked over to her wardrobe and then into her bathroom. Then reaching over for his phone once she had shut door behind herself.

Spending the half an hour replying to messages, scrolling through social media and essentially checking up on anything he had missed while sleeping or while he was hanging out with Adalyn last night.

His eyes drifted away from his phone and over to Adalyn as she came out of the bathroom. Setting his phone down, Jack's eyes were glued to her and her fitted satin mini dress whilst she came over to his side of bed.

"oh Adalyn.." he held his hands up to his face and shook his head at her. "You're so fucking tempting."

"Am I?" she grabbed his hands and removed them from his face. "Guess you wouldn't mind if I do this then.."

She lent in closer to him, connecting her lips on to his. Both their eyes fluttered shut as their lips starting moving in sync — everything feeling so normal and as if they didn't spend three months apart. He opened his eyes back up while he tilted his head back, letting her lips trail down to his neck and leave a mark.

"fuck.." he slightly groaned through a chuckle as she pulled away and looked at him, her hands still holding his.

"You good?"

"mhm," he hummed while nodding.

"Okay well let's go find something for breakfast," she smiled at him while lightly pulling at his hands, indicating that she wanted him to sit up.

"I'll be out in a minute."

"Okayy," she let go of his hand and patted his chest a couple times. "I'll be in the kitchen.."

With that Adalyn grabbed her phone before leaving the bedroom and soon after Jack had picked up his clothes from yesterday off the ground and headed into the bathroom.

After looking in the fridge, Adalyn opened up the pantry and sat herself up on the kitchen island, staring blankly as she tried to decide what she wanted to eat for breakfast.

Jack come out and joined her, standing in front of her, beside her legs and wrapping his arms around her waist as he rested his head against her shoulder. Adalyn wrapped her arms around him, unable to keep a smile off her face.

"Didn't wanna ask for help huh?" she let out a small laugh, teasing him. Then running her finger along the bottom of his chin and lifting his head up to face her.

"Well you see.. you- uh I- yeah.."

Placing her hands on either one of his cheeks and softly kissing him once. "I won't lie.. I fucking love kissing you," she mumbled as her hand went to her lips and started picking at them.

"What was that?" he asked while slightly smirking, already knowing what she had said but wanted her to say it again.

"Nothing," she shook her head. "I don't ever repeat myself."

"That's okay cause I heard it anyway-"

"shut it!" she said through gritted teeth as she interrupted him, bitting down on her lips to hide her uncontrollable smile. "And you're not allowed to repeat things I say either."

He grabbed her hand, pulling it away from her lips and face. "Okayy," he let out a small laugh and followed his response with a kiss on her lips.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


might spice things up a bit sometime
within the next few chapter..

wait not like sexual i'm meaning
like drama👀

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