015 | where his mind's at

414 14 8

"Oh my god, Adalyn, Eliana, hi hi," Lexi pulling them into a loose side hug. "Welcome to our new place," she swung her hand, directing them into their house.

"This place looks nice," Adalyn smiled as she followed her in through to the living room where the other were sitting. "Hey, I've brought a plus one."

They all greeting her and her niece, Adalyn had then taken a seat beside the little one on the floor so she could keep an close eye on her while still talking to her friends that she hadn't seen in months.

"How have you been, Adalyn?" Naomi questioned.

"I've been good. Lucas stayed with us for a couple night, just helping out since he wasn't working.. other than I haven't really done much. Having her the past couple days has been good though, I feel like I'm actually doing stuff with my days.."

"That's good. It's nice of Lucas to be helping you out," Valentina responded, receiving a nod from her friend.

"How have you all been- Well I've talked to you, Val but you three.." Adalyn looked at them all. "What's been happening, any major life updates other than moving here?"

"I've honestly just been working a lot," Brooklyn replied. "Been on many dates, none of them worked. Then the ever so occasional party like once every couple weeks."

"Work for me has been going pretty well lately, I've been working with a lot of smaller influences and tiktokers," Lexi explained. "I've been at meetings like everyday planning outfits with people.. it's been nice."

"That's good that works been picking up for you two, sad you don't have a boyfriend Brooke but also relatable. And Naomi how have you been?" Adalyn turned her attention to the one who has yet to respond.

"Work hasn't really changed.. oh I have a girlfriend," she blurted out.

Naomi had came out to them as asexual over a year ago, which is why when she had filled Adalyn in on the new news it had left her slightly confused, yet excited for her.

"I thought.."

"I sorta just found the right person and I knew right away that I kinda wanna spend the rest of my life with her," she explained with the widest smile on her face.

"awh I'm happy for you two," Adalyn sent her a smile in return. "That's like really good news.. from all of you. And then there's me," she let out a small laugh which turned into a sigh.

"You still like Jack?" Brooklyn spoke up.

"Yep, of course I do" she pressed her lips together and nodded.

"Oh my god. He hates you, move on," Lexi groaned as all the girls turned their attention to her. "I'm just being honest. It's not good to lie and make it seem like he wants her back, when he doesn't.."

"Lexi?!" Valentina furrowed. "You don't even talk to him, so how would you know where his mind's at?"

"I don't know, maybe considering she hooked up with his best friend.. I think that tell us all that he doesn't want her back.." she shrugged.

"I just came here because I wanted to still be friends with all again, and you Lexi, you're making it hard," Adalyn spoke up, glancing over at her niece quickly then back at the girl. "I know that Jack doesn't want to see me right now, Val's told me."

"But all that you should be worrying about is that I'm happy. When did I ever tell you like a year ago, that your ex-boyfriend hates you and that you should move on... Never, so why are you saying it to me?"

"Okay well I'm sorry, Adalyn," Lexi huffed, subtly rolling her eyes as she looked away from the other girl.

"And if I so desperately want Jack back, I would have said so to him the other day when we saw each other," she continued to defend herself. "Also I would've made it clear to him that Lucas and I aren't together."

"Oh so you two are fine to see each other?" Valentina swung her head towards Adalyn, with a very confused expression on her face.

"Yeah.. did Jonah not tell you that Lucas and I saw them at a party last week?"

"No?" she furrowed, trying to recall if it was ever mentioned to her. "Anyway do you want to come to their show on Wednesday with me? These girls are all busy.."

"I'm kinda busy.." Adalyn signalled her hands in the direction of her niece, "And being around their fans, in person, is the last place I want to be."

"Wait how long do you have her for?"

"A- I don't-" she stuttered slightly, trying to think about to word it since the girl was sitting right beside her. "I'll just explained it all later in the group chat. But I'll definitely have her on Wednesday, I can tell you that."

"Addie," Eliana softly shook her aunt's arm, getting her attention. "Cuddles?" she yawned.

"Yes, of course," she picked the little one up and sat her on her lap, Adalyn wrapped her arms around her niece as she laid her head on her chest. "You can sleep if you want, princess," she added followed by a kiss on the top of her head.

"I could look after her if you'd like?" Naomi mentioned. "Like if you want to go to the show.."

Adalyn shook her head, "I don't think it's appropriate for me to be there. Plus didn't Val just say you all have plans?"

"I don't have time or want to go out to a concert that night, but I can look after her if you'd like," she explained. "I'm sure Steph won't mind either."

"No, I don't want her take away your time with your girlfriend. So Val the answers probably no, sorry.."

"Adalyn, literally so many of their friends are going to be there, people aren't going to focus on you," Valentina responded. "Please I just want someone I know know there."

"The answers no Valentina," she let out a small laugh. Sighing as her friend continued to beg. "Look, I don't really want to go, I shouldn't be there. But if I change my mind, I will tell you.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


double update look at me go

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