041 | releasing the tension

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Quarter to ten on the Sunday evening, Jack was sat in his room messing around with some melodies to past time. He glanced over at his phone set beside him as the screen lit up, almost hesitantly picking it up.

"Hey, what's up?" he answered the called as he held his phone up to his ear.

"would you come over and help me make my bed please?" Adalyn replied, slightly mumbling her words.

"uh.. yeah sure I'll come over."

"thank you.. I'll just leave the door unlocked for you, I'll be in my room, probably, more than likely," she added.

"yeah okay, I'll see you soon."

Sharing simple goodbye's, Jack sighed as the call ended and he placed his phone back down beside him, leaning back in his chair slightly for a few seconds before getting up from his desk.

Then going into his wardrobe to find some socks and then slipping on the first pair of shoes that were there in front of him, not really caring about if it went with what he was already wearing.

He grabbed his phone and keys, and let out a small yawn as he made his way downstairs. And since he heard the tv on in the living room, he quickly went over to talk to whoever was there.

"Hey Syd, Ava, I'm heading out, I'll.. probably end up spending the night at Adalyn's," Jack explained.

"You're seeing her again?" Sydnie furrowed, watching her brother softly nod. "mh alright."

"We have been for like a month- Anyway, I've got band things on tomorrow, I'll be back in the evening," he responded, turning around to leave the house before his sisters could say anything else.

After about a fifteen minute drive to the apartment complex, Jack found himself walking into Adalyn's apartment, locking the door behind him and leaving his keys on her kitchen island by the door before walking down the hallway, hearing music quietly playing from her room.

"Hey," Jack gave the girl a soft smile as he stood with him arms folded, leaning against the bedroom door frame. "You know.. when you said you want help making your bed, I really didn't think you meant legitimately.."

"we could always make it twice," she shrugged, avoiding looking over at him as she placed her phone on her bedside table while getting up from the stripped mattress — as her clean sheets were laying on the floor, "or even later on."

"There's the old Adalyn," he chuckled lightly. "Really though, why are you making your bed now, why not do it earlier in the day?"

"I only woke up at like four.." she explained, unfolding the fitting sheet as Jack walked over closer to her, "and laid in bed for a couple hours, then decided I should probably do something since I haven't done anything all week.."

"What's up with you, where's your usual mood gone?" he politely asked, while grabbing ahold of one of her hands and she looked at him. "I know we got into that small fight.."

"I'm just stupid that's all," she gently pulled her hand away from his and walked away from him, around to the other side of the bed.

"What do you mean?" he furrowed, leaning over the bed slightly to grab the corners of the sheet that she had just poorly laid on the mattress.

"If I told you, you'd hate me.." she mumbled while fitting the sheet to one of the corners of the bed as he done the same with the other side.

"Unless you've done something terrible, I don't think I'd hate you."

"..I kissed some guy when I went out with Val the other night," she confessed and then followed with a sigh, "and I hate myself for it.."

"And is that why you haven't been talking to people?" Jack raised a brow, looking over at her once he had finished with the other corner of the sheet and received a nod.

"or left the apartment.."

"All because you kissed a random guy?"

She nodded once again with a small hum, "It's stupid- Anyway I spoke to my friend Willow the other day, she's said we probably fight over pretty much nothing all the time because of sexual frustration.."

"Is that so?" he slightly tilted his head while letting out a soft laugh.

"something about it releasing the tension," she continued, a slight smirk appearing on her lips as she slowly took a couple steps closer to him.

"Is this your way of saying you wanna have sex with me?" Jack wrapped his arms around her and gently pulled her in closer.

"yes! I haven't had sex for almost four months, Mr. Avery, I'm in need."

He let out a small chuckle while leaning down slightly and attaching their lips together, slowly moving them in sync as he pulled her in closer. Jack carefully guided the girl backwards toward to bed, hovering himself above her as he deepened the kiss.

"do you have condoms?" he asked between kisses while keeping his tone low, slightly mumbling.

"uh check the top drawer- actually don't do that," she said in subtle panic while removed her hands from around his neck, gently pushing the boy away and walking over to her bedside table herself.

"hiding something are ya?"

"yeah my personal items," she replied while opening the drawer and taking a seat on the edge of the bed, looking through it for a good few seconds before moving her eyes to Jack, "I don't have any.. But I do take my birth control now, most days, when I remember.."

"Adalyn," he titled his head, more so disappointed with her response rather than questioning her.

"It's fineeee, I'm sure your pull out game is great," she sarcastically spoke, following with a small giggle as he softly shook his head at her.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i literally have almost all of the rest of
this book plan out already btw just need
to get the inspo to write it all 👍👍

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