013 | pretty much already done

436 14 9

"We saw Adalyn last night," Jack huff, sinking back on the lounge as he looked around at his friends, who all beside Jonah had mixed reactions. "It was.. awkward to say the least.." he added with a slow nod.

"Was she with Val?" Daniel responded, pointing at Jonah as he done so, receiving a head shake from the two boys which attended the party.

"Lucas.." Jack hummed and pressed his lips together as he rose both brows slightly. "Being extremely touchy.."

"Yeah and you were being touchy with her sister, so.." Jonah mentioned.

"That was until Adalyn told us that was her sister, and her sister's thirty or something.. she'd definitely older than their brother," Jack rambled.

"That girl did not look thirty," the other furrowed as he tried to picture in his head what the girl from last looked like.

"Haven't you met their family, how did you not know you were talking to her sister?" Corbyn chimed in.

"Half-sister, wasn't there but she was talked about for literally zero-point-two seconds," he explained. "Apparently having kids with different parents isn't very picture perfect to them-"

"Actually you know what a good idea would idea be.. hookup with her sister," Corbyn interrupted his friend.

"Yeah cause that's going do anything.. she hooked up with Zach not Jack's non-existent brother," Daniel responded with a small laugh. "You'd hookup with one of her friends, which you've pretty much already done-"

"Anyway," Jack slightly raised his voice as he cut off the boy from saying anymore about a bad decision he made two months ago while mad and drunk.

"I reckon she came up to you two- well first because she doesn't want you being with her sister because that is kinda weird. But point, I think her showing that she's with Lucas and being touchy with him is her showing you that she's moved on.." Daniel suggested as two of the others agreed.

"I know he's definitely been helping her," Jonah added, although how much it pained him to agree with the face she's moved on when he knows she hasn't. "She wouldn't been at the party if it wasn't for him.."

"I have a question," Zach spoke up as he fixed his position on the lounge, receiving all four boys eyes on him. "If she hurt you, why do you still want her?"

"Like put her looks, or whatever you physically like about her aside.. Why? Like is there a reason why you want her over anyone else..?" he continued to explain his question after not receiving a response.

"shut up Zach you just want her," Jack mumbled under his breath after a few seconds on silence, and just not know what to respond to him.

"I don't though," he exclaimed. "There's nothing about her that you can't find in another girl. Like yeah maybe she can just walk right into a club with out waiting in line and not be ID-ed because she has money.. but that's about the only difference."

"I hate to say it, but he's right," Daniel agreed with a slight nod. "And you don't even like going to clubs that much, unless it's like booked out for a party or something, so that's not really useful to you.."

"Also I'm seeing someone right now," Zach added. "So no, I don't want Adalyn."

"mh," Jack hummed as he continued to think about the youngest boy's previous question.

As he thought about everything him and Adalyn had done and the time they spent together, there were only a few moments that stood out to him, which made he missed so much about her.

But other than those, everything else, Zach was right, he could do those things with literally any other girl. And especially when it came to dates or being with his family, things would probably go way better then they did with her.

He knew after last night, it was about time he moved on but he still couldn't think of anyone else but her. Adalyn, as per usual was the only girl on his mind and he's had his eyes completely on since the two met.

And the voice messages and how he still didn't know her full reasoning as to why her ex-boyfriend cheated or why she didn't want to get into a relationship, didn't help. It just made him want to talk to her more.

But when he was given the opportunity to yesterday, he felt to uncomfortable to do so, and felt like it was inappropriate for him to ask in front of her possible new boyfriend.

"So the pop-up show, Love Back" Jonah snapped Jack out of his thoughts and gained the attention of all the boys. "That's all next week.."

"mh fun," he quietly groaned, reaching for his phone on the table and going on it.

"Are you not excited to preform, Jack?" Daniel looked at the boy, who didn't even give the other one second on his time and just kept his eyes on the phone. 

"No, I am. It's just.."

"If it's about Adalyn, remember 'nine month you've been gone, I'm still attached'.. you two did not breakup nine months ago," Jonah mentioned. "And plus didn't you say she doesn't have Instagram, so she won't even know anything anyone's saying."

"I guess.." he mumbled.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i didn't know how to end this chapter so
yeah.. anyway i published a wdw fic called
'brutal' yesterday if you wanna check it out :)

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