047 | do you know her?

285 14 2

"Can you kiss me, I feel like you haven't kissed me in forever," Adalyn slurred as she wrapped her arms around Jack's neck, slightly stumbling and falling into his arms.

The pair had only been at his friend's birthday celebration for a little over an hour, and while Jack was catching up with someone he hadn't seen in awhile, Adalyn was off having a few too many shot for the time span it had been.

"Baby kiss me," she groaned, gently grabbing his face and forcing him to look at her. "Stop talking to this bitch and kiss me."

He connected their lips for a few seconds before pulling away again and turning his head to face the girl beside him while glancing between her and Adalyn who kept her arms wrapped him, his also staying around her waist.

"Adalyn, this is Grace, my uh.. friend," Jack introduced them. Adalyn just stared at the girl with no response, a disgusted expression plastered across her face. He placed a singular small kiss on her check as he whispered; "Come on, be nice, she's not stealing me from you."

"How do you know her?"

"She's one of Eva's friends.." he replied.

"The friend..?" Adalyn finally turned her head to face Jack, staring him directly in the eyes. Watching his hesitantly nod. "Thought you were done with her?"

"Could say the same about you.." Grace muttered to herself.

"Grace and I are friends, Adalyn," he added.

"Come take shots with me," Adalyn changed the subject, ignoring the other girl as she kissed Jack a few more times. "I wanna black out."

"I'd do one with you," he replied as he stood up properly, unwrapping one of his arms while keeping the other on her. "Did you want to come-"

"Don't invite her," Adalyn interrupted him. "She can go hang out with that bitch she's friends with."

"I'm fine, you two have your fun," Grace replied.

"I'm gonna throw up," Adalyn blurted out, partly mumbling as she pushed Jack's arm off of herself.

"I.. think she's being serious," Jack slightly furrowed looking between the girl he was left with while Adalyn walked off in what seemed to be the direction of the club's bathrooms. "I'm going to go find her friends, I'll see you around."

"Yeah, I'll see you around," Grace exchanged a smile with the boy.

With that Jack walked around the club of a moment before his eyes landed on Valentina who was stood with Brooklyn and Jonah, and going over to them. Doing a small handshake with the boy as he stopping in front of the group.

"Valentina.. or Brooke, either, could you go check on Adalyn please?" Jack asked.

"Where is she?" Valentina quickly responded, furrowing. "What happened?"

"She said she wanted to take more shots then she left to go to the bathroom and apparently throw up," he explained.

"I'm passing on that," Brooklyn held her hands up, shaking her head. "Not my thing."

"Just go to the bathroom yourself, it's just our friends here really, I don't think people will care that much," Jonah mentioned.

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