019 | hold a grudge against you

426 17 2

Adalyn laid in her bed with her niece asleep on her chest while she, herself was slowly falling asleep, only to be woke up by the sound of her phone ringing.

She picked it up and looked at it confused for a few seconds before swiping to answer and holding it up to her ear, "hey.."

"Hey.. can we- do you have time to talk?"

"Well I was going to go to sleep but I have time to talk if you wanna talk," she kept a low tone so she wouldn't wake up Eliana.

"You, asleep at eleven, as if."

"Oh shut up," she said with a small laugh and an uncontrollable smile across her face. "I have my niece, Jack, and she's currently alseep on me so there's not much else I can do."

"Has your brother gone away again? Left her with you?" he questioned, trying to keep a normal conversation going before he brought up what he had called for.

"No, they just- need some time to themselves, so I'm gonna have Ellie for a couple weeks probably more," she explained.


"You know, the first night- well morning because she fell asleep on the way home.. she thought your room was mine and asked what happened to my fun colorful room," she mentioned, clearly happy to talk to him. "She didn't seem to care about you just your room."

"Well you can bring her over someday if you want, you still have a lot of things here that you might want so.." he replied as she quietly hummed. "But I don't have Lavy for maybe another month or so.."

"That's fine, I had already told her back in like August that Lavender had moved away and she couldn't see her anymore. It was just easier than having to explain that we don't see each other and that she's doesn't live here and all that."

"No, I get that.."

There was slight comfortable silence for a few seconds as the conversation died off before Adalyn had spoke up, "um what did you call for?"

"Oh um.." he let out a very clear sigh. "I'm sorry about last night, I shouldn't have ma- ackn- I don't know what I'm trying to say. I just shouldn't have made you feel like you had to leave."

"No, you're fine, don't worry. I told Val I'd be there for two song, and I ended up staying a little more than that... And plus I already felt uncomfortable being there."

"With a couple of your fans making comments and then with your girlfriend standing right behind me," she continued her ramble. "I knew it wasn't appropriate for me to be there but Val really wanted me to."

"Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend, who told you that?" Jack was quick to respond once she had finished talking. "Well I'm sorta seeing a girl, but she told me she'd rather hang out with her friend so she wasn't there.. so I don't know who you're talking about."

"Her name was.. Libby, I think?" she hesitated a bit on the name of the girl.

"Oh Adalyn," he laughed. "Libby is the girl Zach's seeing. Did she not say that? What made you think I was?"

"Someone asked if I was there to see you or Zach then after some more talking she was like I'm his girlfriend, and I don't know why I just assumed you.."

"Yeah no, I don't have a girlfriend. Like I said there's that girl I'm seeing but I don't think I'll see she much after the comment she made about why she's wasn't going to the show.."

"I'm sorry," she blurted out though a mumble.


"Just for everything.." she said with a small sniffle as she started rubbed her niece's back after feeling the little girl moving slightly.

"Honestly Adalyn.. it's fine, like I promise," he reassured her. "I've made mistakes in the past so I don't really care.. and there's really no point for me to hold a grudge against you. Like I've forgiven Zach."

"And I've thought about the whole situation a lot before I even listen to your voice messages," he continued. "And I really would like to talk more about everything, the things you mentioned in those messages, your Instagram post because I never actually got to read that."

"um it was stupid and embarrassing for me, I'm glad you never read that," she responded with an awkward laugh. "But um we can talk about everything, yeah. But could we maybe do it in person? If you don't want to that's fine, I just can't do it right now I sorta need to prepare myself."

"No, I totally get it.. Like I said you have stuff here if you wanna come get that. Or with your niece I guess it might be easier if I go there. I'm fine with whatever so, it's up to you."

"Would you like to come over tomorrow night at eight?" she replied as he agreed. "Ellie will be fast asleep by then, and not on me this time. And I can just focus on talking about everything.."

"Yeah that works fine," he agreed again. "It just might be a little after eight depending on how late we end up being in the studio for."

"You boys never stop working," she softly shook her head followed by placing a kiss on her niece's head, "Anway I've gotta go, Ellie's awake but I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," Jack responded, followed by a 'bye' each and the call being hung up only seconds later.

Adalyn let a sigh of relief as she placed her phone back down beside her — where it was before he had called. She wrapped both her arms around Eliana and quietly hummed while rubbing the little girl's back once again, in attempts to get her back to sleep. A smile on her face the whole time.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


i kinda feel like now that i've written this i
maybe should've put one in between but i can't
be bothered to think of something so yeah

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