059 | can i be your girlfriend?

284 11 10

"I have you all to myself now," Adalyn smiled at the boy who only arrived to her apartment seconds ago, as she lifted herself up onto the kitchen island.

"You're in a good mood huh," Jack moved a little closer to her, placing his hands down either side of her thighs while she loosely wrapped her arms around his neck. "Lavy said on the way home earlier; 'I told Addie your secret, Dada'.. Can I ask what that's about?"

"Nope," she pretended to zip her lips. "That stays between me and her."

"Leaving me out of my own secret," he playfully shook his head, receiving a kiss from her as she hushed him. "Do you wanna open your present yet, or should I just keep carrying it around everywhere?"

She hummed as she looked down at the small wrapped box in his hand, thinking for second as she remembered what he had told her about it almost a week ago now, then looking back up at him. "okay.." she slightly mumbled while removing her arms from around him.

"It's just something small that I would have brought you whether it's around Christmas or not," he handed her the box. "You do mean a lot to me Adalyn.."

Her eyes moved down to the box, almost slowly tearing at the wrapping paper. She place the paper beside her as she glanced up at him and shared a smile before undoing the small bow and opening the box.

She subtly furrowed for a moment as she looked at the simple heart necklace, confused on why he said it might make her cry, then glancing up at him. "thank you.." she said, still wanting to be nice about receiving a gift.

"It's a locket.. you can put a picture in it" Jack explained while opening it for her, "And I got a little halo and wings engraved on it so you can keep me and baby close to your at all times- you don't have to put a picture of me, I don't mind what you put."

"What if I put a picture of myself in it cause I love myself more then I love you," she joked, trying to lighten the mood as she wiped away the couple tears slowly running down her cheek.

"You can do that," he slightly shrugged while letting out a chuckle.

"thank you.." she mumbled with a small sniffle. "I appreciate it."

Adalyn placed the box down on bench beside her and rewrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder as his arms went around her lower back, gently rubbing her back to comfort her.

"you're welcome," he copied her tone.

"Avery.." she lifted her head up again after a few more seconds, her eyes no longer as watery as she kept her gaze on him. "I have a question.."

"Yeah? I'm listening," he replied.

"um how do I say this.." she slightly mumbled, removing one of her arms from him as her hand came up to her lips, picking at them. "uh.. can I be your girlfriend?" she quickly blurted out, jumbling some of the words together.

"Can you please repeat that slower?" he asked although he had a good idea on what she had said, watching her quickly shake her head in response. "Okay.."

"don't worry about it.."

"If I say yes does that mean I get to be your boyfriend?" he raised a brow, noticing her bite down on her lip in attempt to hide her smile and then shake her head again. "What do you mean no? I don't think this is a very fair deal.. What do I get by saying yes?"

"You get to call me your girlfriend," she grinned.

"And what do you get from it..?" he slightly narrowed his eyes at her.

"The title of your girlfriend."

"mh.." he hummed for a couple seconds, pretending to take time to think about it. "It still doesn't seem very fair.. why can't I be your boyfriend-"

"shhhh," she hushed him with a giggle while mashing her lips onto his, both smiling as their lips moved in sync, her arm going back around his neck while pulling him in closer.

They shared a few more kisses before she pulled away and looked him in the eyes still with a smile on their faces, Adalyn played with the ends of his hair as they soaked in the comfortable silence.  

"You know.. Adalyn Avery does have a nice ring to it," Jack mentioned, speaking in a soft tone.

"mhm I don't know.. what about Jack Barlow?" she replied, the smile on her face only getting more apparent as seconds went by. "You could be like a ripoff Jack Harlow.. only hotter.."

"Am I now?" he received a small, slightly hesitant nod. "I guess that could work instead then."

"Only problem is I don't want to get married.."

"There's always a twist with you," he laughed.

"That's too much commitment," she removed her arms from him once again, this time as she hoped off of the kitchen island and grabbing ahold of his hand, "C'mon, let's go to my room."

A small skip in her step as he followed her down the hallway. Entering into her bedroom, Adalyn gently pushed the boy down onto the bed, letting him back up at little before getting on top of him.

"I have a gift to make use of.." she lent down and whispered into his ear. Then sitting up and reaching over to her beside table, grabbing the box out and lightly chucking it to him. "In fact, ten times for the full usage."

"Right, okay," he let out a small chuckle. "Are you ready to though? You know like after everything."

"Either I give up drinking or sex.. and we both know it wouldn't be the second option," she said through a small laugh, moving the box off his chest and attaching their lips.

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


it's official !! also.. ONE MORE

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